
Urbanismo Humanitário e os Processos Colaborativos 03555


Groupo: Escola de Tecnologias e Arquitetura > Optativas > Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo > 2º Ciclo


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


OA1.Dotar aos alunos de ferramentas e metodologias essenciais para o desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa aplicado a diferentes contextos integrando diferentes atores OA2.Proporcionar aos alunos competências para definir espaços envolvendo diferentes atores e assim promover o desenho de soluções mais eficazes no planeamento pré-desastre e redução de riscos, recuperação pós-desastre da fase de resposta imediata à reconstrução de longo prazo OA3.Promover a discussão sobre os desafios emergentes no Humanitarian Urbanism com base na exploração de sinergias que permitam o enriquecimento dos processos de desenvolvimento e implementação de soluções. Além disso, compreender os impactos que os programas de assistência emergente têm no planeamento regional e urbano de longo prazo, bem como, o tipo de espaço (s) que as intervenções de ajuda produzem OA4.Explicar, relacionar e ensaiar metodologias de abordagem ao Humanitarian Urbanism e processos colaborativos aplicados a cenários específicos


As sessões incluirão o seguinte programa: CP1.Humanitarian Urbanism; CP2.Building for Humanity; CP3.Community Design and Building; CP4.Métodos e ferramentas dedicados ao envolvimento de diferentes agentes/atores e promoção de processos colaborativos sustentáveis; CP5. Análise de Casos de Estudo; CP6.Simulação de metodologias colaborativas multidisciplinares (serious games, placemaking, action-oriented planning; etc) CP7. Reflexão crítica sobre os processos

Método de Avaliação

Exposição oral de enquadramento às temáticas específicas da UC pelo docente responsável e especialistas convidados. Devido à atual situação COVID-19, as aulas podem ser via não presencial. Os estudantes serão avaliados em regime de avaliação contínua: relatório de âmbito específico solicitado pelo docente 80% e assiduidade e participação nos debates 20%. É exigida a assiduidade a 2/3 das aulas. Não está previsto no funcionamento da UC a possibilidade de regime de avaliação final.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 119.0

Carga Total -



  • Sanderson, D., Kayden, J.S., Leis, J. (2016) Urban Disaster Resilience. New Dimensions from International Practice in the Built Environment. London: Routledge Lepik, A. (2010) Small Scale Big Change. New Architectures of Social Engagement. New York: MOMA Kononenko, I.(2012) Locating a Humanitarian Actor within Humanitarian Spaces: Best practices discerned from Frederick Cuny?s Career. Denver: University Denver Herz, M.(2013). From Camp to City. Refugee Camps of Western Sahara. Basel: Lars Muller Publishers and ETH Studio Basel Davis, I (2011). What have we learned from 40 years? experience of disaster shelter? Environmental Hazards, 10 (3), 193-212 Chun, A., Brisson, I. (2015). Ground Rules for Humanitarian Design. Wiley Charlesworth, E. (2014) Humanitarian Architecture. 15 Stories of Architects working after disaster. London: Routledge Cary, J. (2017) Design for Good. A New Era of Architecture for Everyone. London: IslandPress :


  • UNHCR, 2014. UNHCR Policy on Alternative to Camps. Available at: UN(2015). 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Available at Schmidt, A.(2003) FMO Research guide: camps versus settlements. Available at: Murillo, F. (2017) Migrants and rapid urbanization: A New Agenda for humanitarian and development urban planning? Available at Martins, N. et al (2018) 8th ICBR - International Conference on Building Resilience. Risk and Resilience in Practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages. FAUL Kéré, F. (2016) Radically Simple. TU Munchen Inam, A. (2014) Designing Urban Transformation. London: Routledge Harvey, D. (2003). The right to the city.International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27(4), 939-941. Hamdi, N. e Goethert R. (1997). Action Planning for Cities. A guide to Community Practices. New York: John Wiley & Sons Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemakers Guide. London: Earthscan Inam, A. 2014. Designing Urban Transformation. New York: Routledge Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental Change. Available at: Cornwall, A. (ed) (2011). The Participation Reader. London: Zed Books Charlesworth, E. (2006) Architects without Frontiers. War, Reconstruction and Design responsability. Oxford: Architectural Press Bloemink, B. (2007) Design for the other 90%. New York: Smithsonian Architecture for Humanity (2012) Design like you Give a Damn. Building Change from the Ground Up. Abrams Architecture for Humanity (2006) Design like you Give a Damn. Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises. Thames & Hudson Agier, M. (2002). Between war and city. Towards an urban anthropology of refugee camps. Ethnography 3 (3): 317-341Brennan, M.; Sanchez, T. (2012). Planning as if people matter. Berkeley: Island Press UNHCR, 2014. UNHCR Policy on Alternative to Camps. Availabl UN(2015). 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Available at Schmidt, A.(2003) FMO Research guide: camps versus settlements. Available at: Murillo, F. (2017) Migrants and rapid urbanization: A New Agenda for humanitarian and development urban planning? Available at Martins, N. et al (2018) 8th ICBR - International Conference on Building Resilience. Risk and Resilience in Practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages. FAUL Kéré, F. (2016) Radically Simple. TU Munchen Inam, A. (2014) Designing Urban Transformation. London: Routledge Harvey, D. (2003). The right to the city.International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27(4), 939-941. Hamdi, N. e Goethert R. (1997). Action Planning for Cities. A guide to Community Practices. New York: John Wiley & Sons Hamdi, N. (2010). The Placemakers Guide. London: Earthscan Inam, A. 2014. Designing Urban Transformation. New York: Routledge Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental Change. Available at: Cornwall, A. (ed) (2011). The Participation Reader. London: Zed Books Charlesworth, E. (2006) Architects without Frontiers. War, Reconstruction and Design responsability. Oxford: Architectural Press Bloemink, B. (2007) Design for the other 90%. New York: Smithsonian Architecture for Humanity (2012) Design like you Give a Damn. Building Change from the Ground Up. Abrams Architecture for Humanity (2006) Design like you Give a Damn. Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises. Thames & Hudson Agier, M. (2002). Between war and city. Towards an urban anthropology of refugee camps. Ethnography 3 (3): 317-341Brennan, M.; Sanchez, T. (2012). Planning as if people matter. Berkeley: Island Press :

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