
Políticas e Imagens da Cultura e Museologia 02339


Groupo: Antropologia: Políticas e Imagens da Cultura e Museologia > 3º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


10.0 (para cálculo da média)


Fomentar o debate crítico em torno do PCI à luz da análise de: OA1 - análise crítica das noções de património natural e património cultural, património cultural material e património cultural imaterial; paisagem cultural. ODS 13 OA2 - diversidade cultural e expressões culturais, propriedade cultural e direitos culturais ODS 10 OA3 - categorização e listas; os processos classificatórios no campo do PCI OA4 - preservação como valor cultural OA5 -patrimónios disputados e memórias OA6 - Usos do património e práticas artísticas contemporâneas.


P1 Articulação entre museus e PCI. Noção de museologia colaborativa. P2 Da World Heritage List aos Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity; as implicações das listas P3 Critical heritage studies e a noção de 'authorised heritage discourse'.P4 Património natural e a noção de cultural landscape P5 A noção de perigo e o seu corolário - a preservação . P6 Imperativo de preservar como fenómeno cultural; Preservação do património como valor. P7 ICH e memória; patrimónios disputados; P8 PIC, nostalgia patrimonial e as emoções patrimoniais. P9 Práticas artísticas contemporâneas e usos do património: apropriações -conceito, genealogia e debates ; arte popular: usos e significados; P10 Arquivos, conceito e sua diversidade. O uso do arquivo na produção artística contemporânea.

Método de Avaliação

Duas modalidades de avaliação: a) Seminários: apresentação crítica de textos previamente selecionados e dinamização da discussão em sala de aula + versão escrita da apresentação = 30% b) Ensaio final até 15 páginas ( 70%)

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 240.0

Carga Total -



  • Smith, L., 2006.Uses of Heritage, Abingdon and New York: Routledge. Schneider, A., 2003. On appropriation?. A critical reappraisal of the concept and its application in global art practices?, Social Anthropology, 11- 2, 215?229 Nas, P. J. M. 2002. 'Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Culture. Reflections on the UNESCO World Heritage List', Current Anthropology, 43, 139-148. Macdonald, S. 2013. Memoryland, London: Routledge. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B., 2006.'World Heritage and Cultural Economics', in Karp, I. and C. A. Kratz eds., Museum Frictions. Public Cultures/ Global Transformations, Durham : Duke University Press, 161-202. Harvey D.C, 2001. 'Heritage Pasts and Heritage Presents : Temporality, Meaning and the Scope of Heritage Studies', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7(4) 319-338. Harrison, R., 2013, Heritage. Critical Approaches, London and New York: Routledge. :


  • Uzzell, D. 2008, 'Heritage that Hurts', in Fairclough, The Heritage Reader, 502-513. Stoczkowski, W.,2009. 'UNESCO's Doctrine of Human Diversity. A Secular Soteriology?' Anthropology Today, 25 (3), 7-11. Vidal, F and N. Dias eds., 2015. Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture, London: Routledge. Spieker, S., 2008, The big archive, Art from bureaucracy, Cambridge, Massachusetts London: The MIT Press Smith L., 2021. Emotional Heritage. Visitor engagement at museums and heritage sites, London: Routledge. Young, J.O., 2008. Cultural Appropriation and the Arts, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Smith L. and Campbell, 2016 'The Elephant in the room: heritage, affect and emotion', A Companion to Heritage Studies, pp. 443-459. Smith, L. and N. Akagawa eds. 2009. Intangible Heritage, London: Routledge. Smith L.,2012. 'Editorial', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 18 (6), 2014, 533-540. Schneider, A. (eds,), 2020, Art, Anthropology and Contested Heritage. Ethnographies of Traces, Great Britain, Bloomsbury Pinto Ribeiro, A., 2021, Novo Mundo. Arte Contemporânea no tempo da pós-memória, Porto, Edições Afrontamento Olwig, K.,2001. ' "Time Out of Mind" - "Mind -Out of Time": Custom versus Tradition in Environmental Heritage Research and Interpretation', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 7 (4), 339-354. Olwiig, K. 2008 'Natural Landscapes in the Representations of National Identity', The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, 73-88. Nielsen, B., 2011. 'UNESCO and the 'Right' Kind of Culture: Bureaucratic Production and Articulation', Critique of Anthropology, 31 (4), 273-292. Meskell, L. ed. 2016. Global Heritage: a Reader, Wiley-Blackwell. Meskell L., 2002. 'Negative Heritage and Past Mastering in Archaeology', Anthropological Quaterly, 557-594. Macdonald, S., 2019, ?Heritage Traces, Differences and Futures: New Research Approaches to Heritage and Society?, Heritage and Society, Krakow, Heritage Forum of Central Europe Logan, W. S., 2008. 'Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights', in B. Graham and P. Howard eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, London: Ashgate, 439-454. Leopold, R., 2008, ?The second life of ethnographic fieldnotes?, Ateliers du LESC, 32, Leal, J., 2007. ?Metamorfoses da arte popular: Joaquim de Vasconcelos, Vergílio Correia e Ernesto de Sousa?, Etnográfica, Vol. VI (2), 2002, 251-280. Lacerda, Rodrigo. "Worlding a Mbya-Guarani heritage: from dissonant heritage to ontological conflicts". International Journal of Heritage Studies 27 11 (2021): 1133-1148. Kurin, R.,2004. 'Museum and Intangible Heritage', ICOM news,7-9. Huyssens A. 1995. Twilight Memories. Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia, London-New York, Routledge, Holtorf C. 2018, 'Conservation and Heritage as Future', online Holtorf, C. 2016 'Why Cultural Heritage is not at 'risk', online Holtorf, C. 2015. 'Heritage Erasure' - Averting loss- aversion in Cultural Heritage", International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (4), 313-317. Hirsch, Marianne. 2012. The Generation of Postmemory. Writing and Visual Culture after the Holocaust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Heinich, N. 2012. 'Les émotions patrimoniales', Social Anthropology, 19-33. Heinich, N. 2009, La Fabrique du Patrimoine. 'De la cathédrale á la petite cuillère', Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. Harvey, D. 2008 'The History of Heritage', Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, pp. 19-36. Harrison, R ' World Heritage as Listing', in Vidal/Dias, Endamgerment, Biodiversy and Culture, 2015, p.195-217. Harrison R. and D.B. Rose, 2010. 'Intangible Heritage', in T. Benton ed., Understanding Heritage and Memory, Manchester/Milton Keynes: Manchester University Press, 238-276. Harrison R. and D. O'Donnell, 2010. 'Natural Heritage', in S. West ed., Understanding Heritage in Practice, Manchester/Milton Keyes: Manchester University Press/Open University, 88-126. Hafstein, V. 2009."Intangible Heritage as a List", in L. Smith and N. Akagawa eds., Intangible Heritage, London, Routledge, 93-111. Gillis J. ed., 1994. Commemorations. The Politics of National Identiry, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press. Garcia Canclini, N., 2010, La sociedad sin relato. Antropologia y estética de la inminencia, Madrid, Katz Editores, 1-25 Foucault, Michel, 1969, L? archeologie du savoir, Paris, Gallimard. Foster, H., 2004, ?An Archival Impulse", October, 110, pp. 3?22 Faria, N. (coord.), 2014, Ernesto de Sousa e a Arte Popular, Guimarães, CIAJG. Fairclough, G. R. Harrison and all, 2008. The Heritage Reader, London, Routledge. Fabre, D. ed., 2013, Émotions patrimoniales, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. Enwezor, O., 2008, Archive Fever: uses of Document in Contemporary Art, Gottingen, Steidl, New York, International Center of Photography, pp. 11-51 DeSilvey C. 2008 'Observed Decay', Journal of Material Culture, 318-338. Des Chene, M., 1997, ?Locating the Past?, Gupta, Ahkil; Ferguson, James (eds.), Anthropological Locations, Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, Londres, University of California Press, 66:85. Cronon, W. 1996. 'The Trouble with Wilderness", in Cronon ed., Unconmmon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature, New York, Norton, 23-68. Byrne, D. 2008, 'The Memorialization of Violence and Tragedy: The Human Trauma as Heritage', in The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, 231-244. Boym, S. 2001. The Future of Nostalgia, New York, Basic Books, Bondaz, Bideau, Isnart and al, eds.,2014. Les vocabulaires locaux du 'patrimoine', Zurich: Lit Verlag. Betts P. and Ross, C.eds., 2015. Heritage in the Modern World, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Berliner D. 2005. 'The abuses of Memory: Reflection on the Memory Boom in Anthropology', Anthropological Quarterly, 78,197-211. Benton, T. and Watson N.J.,2010. 'Museum Practice and Heritage', in S. West ed., Understanding Heritage in Practice, Manchester/Milton Keyes: Manchester University Press/Open University, 127-165. Bendix. R, Bortollotto C and all, 2015.Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice. Participation, Temporality and the Making of Heritage, Universtatsverlag Gottingen, Alves, V.M. 2013. Arte Popular e Nação no Estado Novo. A Política Folclorista do Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais. Almeida, S.V.; Cachado R. A, 2019. "Archiving Anthropology in Portugal", Anthropology Today, Vol. 35 (1): 22-25. Aikawa, N.,2004. 'An Historical Overview of the Preparation of the UNESCO International Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage', Museum International, 56 (1-2) 137-149.:

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