
Economia, Instituições e Evolução 02875


Groupo: Economia - 2016 > 3º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas em Economia


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


OA1 - Posicionar as teorias económicas institucionalista e evolucionista no contexto da história do pensamento económico OA2- Compreender em termos teóricos e práticos a concepção institucionalista e evolucionista na investigação relativa aos actores económicos e às formas de evolução da economia OA3- Analisar, sintetizar e avaliar de forma crítica a economia institucionalista e evolucionista OA4-Compreender os processos políticos e de desenvolvimento contemporâneos no quadro analítico da economia institutionalista e evolucionista OA5- Conceber e desenvolver linhas de investigação teóricas e/ou aplicadas em áreas pertinentes da economia institucionalista e evolucionista OA6-Desenvolver competências de comunicação escrita e oral OA7 ? Desenvolver competências intelectuais através do estudo autónomo


CP1- Institutionalismo e Evolucionismo: emergência e perspectivas CP2- As origens: uma alternativa à Economia Neoclássica CP3- O actor no contexto: instituições e economia CP4- Fundamentos legais das transacções económicas: mercado e direitos de propriedade CP5- Instituições e ambiente CP6- Inovação e mudança económica CP7- A evolução das empresas e da indústria CP8- Desenvolvimento e capitalismo CP9- Redes e globalização CP10- Tendências recentes do debate institucionalista e evolucionista

Método de Avaliação

Apresentação oral dos tópicos do programa (15-20m): 20% Relatório da apresentação oral (4-6pp): 30% Participação baseada na leitura de biliografia: 20% Exame: 30%

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 129.0

Carga Total -



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  • -Williamson, S. E., Winter, S. G. (1993), The relation of the firm: originis, evolution, and development, New York: Oxford University Press -Veblen, T. (1899), The theory of the leisure class, New York: Prometheus Book -Vatn, Arild (2009) Institutions and the Environment Edward Elgar -Samuels, W. J., Rutheford, M. (1996) John Commons: selected essays, London: Routledge -Rutherford, M. (1994) Institutions in Economics: the Old and the New Institutionalism Cambridge University Press -Ostrom, Ellinor (2005), Understanding institutional diversity, Princeton: Princeton University Press -Nelson, R. R. (1994), ?The Coevolution of Technology, Industrial Structure, and Supporting Institutions?, in Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(1): 47-63 -Morgan, G. et al (2012) ?Institutional Reproduction and Change? The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis Oxford University Press -Medema, S.G. (ed) (1995), The legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis, Edward Elgar -Llerena, Patrick, Ozman, Muge (2013), ?Networks, irreversibility and knowledge creation?, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 431-453 -Hollingsworth, J. R. (2000), ?Doing institutional analysis: implications for the study of innovations?, Review of International Political Economy, 7 (4) -Hollingsworth, J. R., Boyer, R. (ed) (1997), Capitalism: the embeddedness of institutions, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press -Hodgson, G.M, Screpanti, E. (ed.) (1991), Rethinking economics: market technology and economic evolution, Aldershot: Edward Elgar -Hodgson, G. M., Samuels, W. J., Tool, M. R. (1994) (ed.) The Elgar Companion to institutional and evolutionary economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar -Hodgson, G. M. (1993), Economics and evolution: bringing life back into economics, Cambridge: Polity Press -Hodgson, G.M. (1998), The foundations of evolutionary economics: 1890-1973, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar -Hodgson, G. M. (1999), Evolution and institutions: on evolutionary economics and the evolution of economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar -Hodgson, G.M. (ed) (2002), A modern reader in institutional and evolutionary economics: key concepts, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar -Hodgson, G. M. (2007)?Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream?? Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 4(1): 7?25 -Hodgson, G.M. (2013), From pleasures machines to moral communities: an evolutionary economics without homo economicus, Chicago: University of Chicago Press -Hodgson, G. M. (2015), Conceptualizing Capitalism: Institutions, Evolution, Future, Chicago Press -Furubotn, E. G., Richter, R. (2001), Institutions and Economic Theory: the contribution of the new institutional economics, The University of Michigan Press -Fagerberg, J., Martin, Ben R. and Andersen, E. S. Innovation Studies, Evolution and Future Challenges, Oxford University Press -Dosi, G. (2013), ?Innovation, Evolution, and Economics: Where We Are and Where We Should Go? -Djelic, Marie-Laure (2012), ?Institutional Perspective ? Working towards Coherence of Irreconcilable Diversity??, in Glenn Morgan, John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, Richard Whitley (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis, Oxford, Oxford University Press -Demsetz, H. (2002),?Towards a theory of property rights: the competition between private and collective ownership?, in Journal of Legal Studies, vol. XXXI -Commons, J. R. (1924) Legal Foundations of Capitalism. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press -Chang, Ha-Joon (2002) ?Breaking the mould: an institutinalist political economy alternative to the neo-liberal theory of the market and the state?, in Cambridge Journal of Economics, volume 26, pp. 539-559 -Chaminade, C. and Vang, J. (2008), Globalization of Knowledge production and regional innovation policy, Research Policy -Buenstorf, Guido, Uwe Cantner, Horst Hanush, Michael Hutter, hans-Walter Lorenz Fritz Rahmeyer (eds) (2013), The Two Sides of Innovation, Creation and Destruction in the Evolution of Capitalism Economies, Springer -Barzel, Yoram (1997), Economic analysis of Property Rights, Cambridge: University Press :

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