
Economia do Empreendedorismo 03114


Groupo: Economia - 2016 > 3º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas em Economia


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


No final do período curricular desta UC, o aluno deverá: OA1. Conhecer os principais determinantes da entrada e seleção para um percurso de empreendedorismo; OA2. Conhecer os determinantes do desempenho (sucesso e fracasso) dos empreendedores. OA3. Compreender as principais metodologias de análise empírica nesta área.


CP1. Determinantes da entrada no empreendedorismo CP2. Determinantes da performance dos empreendedores CP3. Métodos empíricos de pesquisa em economia do empreendedorismo

Método de Avaliação

A avaliação da UC processa-se em duas épocas: Normal (1.ª Época) e de Recurso (2.ª Época). a) Época Normal: Avaliação Contínua: - Relatório sobre o estado de arte da literatura num tópico na área científica da UC: 50% - Relatório com pistas de investigação futura na área sobre a qual incidiu o relatório: 25%; - Apresentação oral dos dois relatórios anteriores: 10%; - Discussão oral: 15%. b) Época de Recurso: Prova escrita (100%)

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 144.0

Carga Total -



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Small Business Economics 40: 155-172. Hvide, H. (2009) The quality of entrepreneurs. Economic Journal 119: 1010-35. Hundley, G. (2006) Family background and the propensity for self-employment. Industrial Relations 45: 377-392. Holtz-Eakin, D., Joulfaian, D. and Rosen, H. (1994) Entrepreneurial decisions and liquidity constraints. Rand Journal of Economics 25: 334-347. Holmes, T. and Schmitz, J. (1990) A theory of entrepreneurship and its application to the study of business transfers. Journal of Political Economy 98: 265-294. Hart, O. and Moore, J. (1994) A theory of debt based on the inalienability of human capital. Quarterly Journal of Economics 109: 841-879. Gindling, T. and Newhouse, D. (2014) Self-employment in the developing world. World Development 56: 313-331. Georgellis, Y., Sessions, J. and Tsitsianis, N. (2005a) Windfalls, wealth, and the transition to self-employment. Small Business Economics 25: 407-428. Fairlie, R. and Meyer, B. 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(2000) Financial capital, human capital, and the transition to self-employment: evidence from intergenerational links. Journal of Labor Economics 18: 282-305. Djankov, S., Qian, Y., Roland, G. and Zhuravskaya, E. (2006) Who are China's entrepreneurs? American Economic Review 96: 348-352. Disney, R. and Gathergood, J. (2009) Housing wealth, liquidity constraints and self-employment. Labour Economics 16: 79-88. Devine, T. (1994) Changes in wage-and-salary returns to skill and the recent rise in female self-employment. American Economic Review 84: 108-113. Dawson, C., Henley, A. and Latreille, P. (2014) Individual motives for choosing self-employment in the UK: does region matter? Regional Studies, forthcoming. Croson, D. and Minniti, M. (2012) Slipping the surly bonds: the value of autonomy in self-employment. Journal of Economic Psychology 33: 355-365. Clark, K. and Drinkwater, S. (2000) Pushed out or pulled in? Self-employment among ethnic minorities in England and Wales. Labour Economics 7: 603-628. Caves, R. (1998) Industrial organization and new findings on the turnover and mobility of firms. Journal of Economic Literature 36: 1947-1982. Camerer, C. and Lovallo, D. (1999) Overconfidence and excess entry: an experimental approach. American Economic Review 89: 306-318. Caliendo, M., Fossen, F. and Kritikos, A. (2009) Risk attitudes of nascent entrepreneurs – new evidence from an experimentally validated survey. Small Business Economics 32: 153-167. Caliendo, M. and Kritikos, A. (2008) Is entrepreneurial success predictable? An ex-ante analysis of the character-based approach. Kyklos 61: 189-214. Brown, S., Farrel, L. and Sessions, J. (2006) Self-employment matching: an analysis of dual earner couples and working households. Small Business Economics 26: 155-172. Brandstätter, H. (1997) Becoming an entrepreneur - a question of personality structure? Journal of Economic Psychology 18:157-177. 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