
Teorias Sociológicas Contemporâneas: Grandes Obras 00067


Groupo: Sociologia > 3º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


a) aprofundamento de conhecimentos sobre as principais teorias e controvérsias teóricas na sociologia contemporânea; b) desenvolvimento de competências de utilização analítica daquelas teorias; c) desenvolvimento de competências de construção teórica com base na articulação controlada de conceitos e enunciados de diferentes origens teóricas.


Estudo contextualizado de cinco grandes obras da teoria sociológica contemporânea, a realizar em dois momentos. O primeiro, sobre os contextos teóricos em que se inscrevem aquelas obras. O segundo, sobre cada uma das obras selecionadas de Parsons, Goffman, Boudon, Giddens e Archer. I. Debates teóricos 01. Ascensão e queda do funcionalismo 02. Respostas ao funcionalismo: conflito, interação e racionalidade 03. Movimentos de síntese: do estruturacionismo ao realismo II. Grandes obras 04. Talcott Parsons (1937): The Structure of Social Action 05. Erving Goffman (1967): Interaction Ritual 06. Raymond Boudon (2003): Raison, Bonnes Raisons 07. Anthony Giddens (1984): The Constitution of Society 08. Margaret Archer (1995): Realist Social Theory

Método de Avaliação

Elaboração, por cada aluno, de um trabalho individual: a) trata um tema teórico com base em, pelo menos, duas das obras do programa; b) o tema é escolhido por cada aluno e aprovado pelo docente; c) dimensão máxima de 20.000 caracteres; d) línguas de escrita do trabalho admitidas: português, inglês, francês e espanhol. A avaliação da participação dos estudantes nos debates em aula pode ser usada pelo docente para majorar a classificação final num máximo de três valores.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 132.0

Carga Total -



  • Scott, John (1995, 2012), Sociological Theory. Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Parsons, Talcott (1937), The Structure of Social Action, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill. Parker, John (2000), Structuration, Buckingham, Open University Press. Goffman, Erving (1967), Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books. Giddens, Anthony (1984), The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge, Polity. Boudon, Raymond (2003), Raison, Bonnes Raisons, Paris, PUF. Archer, Margaret (1995), Realist Social Theory. The Morphogenetic Approach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.:


  • Turner, Jonathan H. (2012), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. III: Mesodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. II: Microdynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. I: Macrodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Sayer, Andrew (2011), Why Things Matter to People. Social Science, Values and Ethical Life, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Mouzelis, Nicos P. (2008), Modern and Postmodern Social Theorizing. Bridging the Divide, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Martin, John Levi (2015), Thinking Through Theory, Nova Iorque, Norton. Martin, John Levi (2011), The Explanation of Social Action, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Martin, John Levi (2009), Social Structures, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press. Hedström, Peter, e Peter Bearman (orgs.) (2009), The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Hedström, Peter (2005), Dissecting the Social. On the Principles of Analytical Sociology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Elder-Vass, Dave (2012), The Reality of Social Construction, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Elder-Vass, Dave (2010), The Causal Power of Social Structures. Emergence, Structure and Agency, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Depelteau, Francois (org.) (2018), The Palgrave Handbook of Relational Sociology, Basingstoke (UK), Palgrave Macmillan. Demeulenaere, Pierre (org.) (2011), Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Crossley, Nick (2011), Towards Relational Sociology, Londres, Routledge. Alexander, Jeffrey C., Philip Smith e Ronald Jacobs (orgs.) (2012), The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2006), The Civil Sphere, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2003), The Meanings of Social Life, Oxford, Oxford University Press. ## Novos desenvolvimentos Critical Realism. Essential Readings, Londres, Routledge. Archer, Margaret S., Roy Bhaskar, Andrew Collier, Tony Lawson e Alan Norrie (orgs.) (1998), Archer, Margaret S. (2012), The Reflexive Imperative in Late Modernity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Archer, Margaret S. (2003), Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Archer, Margaret (1995), Realist Social Theory. The Morphogenetic Approach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ## De Margaret Archer Held, David, e John B. Thompson (orgs.) (1989), Social Theory of Modern Societies. Anthony Giddens and his Critics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Giddens, Anthony, e Christopher Pierson (1999), Conversations with Anthony Giddens. Making Sense of Modernity, Cambridge, Polity. Giddens, Anthony (1990), The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge, Polity. Giddens, Anthony (1984), The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge, Polity. Giddens, Anthony (1976) New Rules of Sociological Method. A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies, Londres, Hutchinson. ## De e sobre Anthony Giddens Dubois, Michel (2000), Premières Leçons sur la Sociologie de Raymond Boudon, Paris, PUF. Boudon, Raymond, e Robert Leroux (2003), Y a-t-il Encore Une Sociologie?, Paris, Odile Jacob. Boudon, Raymond, e François Bourricaud (1986), Dictionnaire Critique de la Sociologie, 2.ª ed., Paris, PUF. Boudon, Raymond (2003), Raison, Bonnes Raisons, Paris, PUF. Boudon, Raymond (1979), La Logique du Social, Paris, Hachette. Boudon, Raymond (1973), L?Inégalité des Chances, Paris, Armand Colin. ## De e sobre Raymond Boudon Manning, Philip (1992), Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology, Cambridge, Polity. Burns, Tom (1992), Erving Goffman, Londres, Routledge. Goffman, Erving (1983), ?The interaction order?, American Sociological Review, 48 (1), pp. 1-17. Goffman, Erving (1974), Frame Analysis. An Essay on the Organization of Experience, Nova Iorque, Harper. Goffman, Erving (1967), Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books. Goffman, Erving (1959), The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books. ## De e sobre Erving Goffman Hamilton, Peter (1983), Talcott Parsons, Londres, Routledge. Gerhardt, Uta (2002), Talcott Parsons. An Intellectual Biography, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1983), Theoretical Logic in Sociology, vol. 4, The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought. Talcott Parsons, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press. Parsons, Talcott, Robert F. Bales e Edward Shils (1953), Working Papers in the Theory of Action, Nova Iorque, The Free Press. Parsons, Talcott (1951), The Social System, Nova Iorque, The Free Press. Parsons, Talcott (1937), The Structure of Social Action, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill. ## De e sobre Talcott Parsons Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), Theoretical Sociology: 1830 to the Present, Newbury Park, CA, Sage. Turner, Jonathan H. (2003), The Structure of Sociological Theory, 7.ª ed., Belmont (California), Wadsworth. Turner, Jonathan H. (org.) (2001), Handbook of Sociological Theory, Nova Iorque, Kluwer Academic. Turner, Bryan S. (org.) (2000), The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, 2.ª ed., Oxford, Blackwell. Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Comtemporary Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell. Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Classical Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell. Knorr-Cetina, Karin, e Aaron V. Cicourel (orgs.) (1981), Advances in Social Theory and Methodology. Towards an Integration of Micro- and Macro-Sociologies, Londres, Routledge. Giddens, Anthony, e Jonathan H. Turner (orgs.) (1987), Social Theory Today, Cambridge, Polity. The Micro-Macro Link, Berkeley, University of California Press. Alexander, Jeffrey C., Bernhard Giesen, Richard Münch e Neil J. Smelser (orgs.) (1987), Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1987), Sociological Theory Since 1945, Londres, Hutchinson. Abrutyn, Seth (org.) (2016), Handbook of Contemporary Sociological Theory, Nova Iorque, Springer. ## Manuais, obras de referência # Bibliografia complementar Buckley, Walter (1967), ?Systems?, em Walter Buckley (1967), Sociology and the Modern Systems Theory, Nova Jérsia, Prentice-Hall, pp. 42-81. Bhaskar, Roy (1989), ?Societies?, em Roy Bhaskar (1989), The Possibility of Naturalism. A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences, 2.ª ed., Londres, Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 25-79. Archer, Margaret (1995), Realist Social Theory. The Morphogenetic Approach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 135-161. Específica: Archer Bryant, Christopher G.A, e David Jary (2003), ?Anthony Giddens?, em George Ritzer (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 247-273. Giddens, Anthony (1979, 2000), Dualidade da Estrutura. Agência e Estrutura, Oeiras, Celta [ed. original (1979): ?Agency, structure?, em Central Problems in Social Theory. Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis, Cambridge, Polity Press, pp. 49-95]. Giddens, Anthony (1984), The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge, Polity. Específica: Giddens Dubois, Michel (2000), ?Itinéraire d?un sociologue critique: Raymond Boudon?, em Michel Dubois (2000), Premières Leçons sur la Sociologie de Raymond Boudon, Paris, PUF, pp. 3-19. Boudon, Raymond, e François Bourricaud (1986), ?Action?, ?Agrégation?, ?Individualisme? e ?Rationalité?, em Raymond Boudon e François Bourricaud (1982), Dictionnaire Critique de la Sociologie, 2.ª ed., Paris, PUF, pp. 1-8, 16-23, 301-309 e 479-487. Boudon, Raymond (2003), Raison, Bonnes Raisons, Paris, PUF. Específica: Boudon Fine, Gary Alan, e Philip Manning (2003), ?Erving Goffman?, em George Ritzer (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 34-62. Goffman, Erving (1983), ?The interaction order?, American Sociological Review, 48 (1), pp. 1-17. Goffman, Erving (1967), Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books. Específica: Goffman Lidz, Victor (2003), ?Talcott Parsons?, em George Ritzer (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Classical Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell, 2.ª ed., pp. 376-419. Parsons, Talcott (1945), ?The present position and prospects of systematic theory in sociology?, em Talcott Parsons (1954), Essays in Sociological Theory, 2.ª ed., Nova Iorque, The Free Press, pp. 212-237. Parsons, Talcott (1937), The Structure of Social Action, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill. ## Específica: Parsons Turner, Jonathan H. (2003), ?Sociological theory?, em The Structure of Sociological Theory, 7.ª ed., Belmont (California), Wadsworth, pp. 1-20. Scott, John (1995, 2012), ?Talcott Parsons: where it all began?, em John Scott (1995), Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 29-71. Scott, John (1995, 2012), ?Symbolic interaction and social constructs?, em John Scott (1995), Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 114-137. Scott, John (1995, 2012), ?Structure, function and system?, em John Scott (1995), Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 72-88. Scott, John (1995, 2012), ?Rational choice and social exchange?, em John Scott (1995), Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 89-113. Scott, John (1995, 2012), ?Conflict and colletive agency?, em John Scott (1995), Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, 2.ª ed., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 138-156. Pires, Rui Pena (2012), ?O problema da ordem?, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 69, pp. 31-45. Parsons, Talcott (1937), ?Tentative methodological implications?, em The Structure of Social Action, vol. 2, Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 727-775. Parker, John (2000), ?Beyond the ?structurationists?: back to reality?, em John Parker (2000), Structuration, Buckingham, Open University Press, pp. 67-101. Parker, John (2000), ?The ?structurationists??, em John Parker, (2000), Structuration, Buckingham, Open University Press, pp. 37-66. Goffman, Erving (1967), ?The nature of deference and demeanor?, em Erving Goffman (1967), Interaction Ritual. Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior, Nova Iorque, Anchor Books, pp. 47-95. Giddens, Anthony (1984), ?Elements of the theory of structuration?, em Anthony Giddens (1984), The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge, Polity, pp. 1-40. Boudon, Raymond (2003), ?Introduction: la théorie rationnelle de l'action sociale?? e ?Théorie du choix rationnel (TeR) ou modèle rationnel général (MRG)??, Raymond Boudon (2003), Raison, Bonnes Raisons, Paris, PUF, pp. 7-55. Archer, Margaret (1995), ?Realism and morphogenesis?, em Margaret Archer (1995), Realist Social Theory. The Morphogenetic Approach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 135-161. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1987), ?What is theory??, em Jeffrey C. Alexander (1987), Sociological Theory Since 1945, Londres, Hutchinson, pp. 1-21. ## Geral # Bibliografia de trabalho:

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