
Antropologia e Psicanálise L6020


Groupo: HMC - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas Interdisciplinares > 2.º Ano - 2.º Semestre

Groupo: HMC - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas Interdisciplinares > 3.º Ano - 2.º Semestre


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Capacidade de considerar criticamente o legado freudiano e a sua influência plural sobre a história das ideias no século XX e, em particular, sobre a antropologia.


1 Freud e a origem da Psicanálise 2 A relação entre metapsicologia, prática interpretativa e projecto terapêutico 3 Conflito e Cultura, a segunda fase do pensamento freudiano 4 Freud e a Antropologia 4.1 A Antropologia Psicanalítica num sentido estrito - Freud e Rohéim 4.2 Freud a a Antropologia Norte-Americana - Sapir, Benedict e os neo-freudianos 4.3 Freud e a Antropologia Europeia - Malinowski, Fortes 4.4 Freud e o estruturalismo - Lévi-Strauss, o incesto e a mitologia 4.5 Perspectivas contemporâneas - Juillerat, Heald, Deluz, Obeyesekere 4.6 O impacto das ideias de Freud na enografia e metodologia - Devereux 5 Psicanálise e Cultura, uma perspectiva contemporânea

Método de Avaliação

Participação nas aulas - 20% Trabalho escrito final - 80%

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 113.0

Carga Total -



  • WALLACE, Edwin 1983 Freud and Anthropology: a history and reappraisal, New York, International University Press WEBSTER, Richard 2005 Why Freud was Wrong - Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis, Oxford, The Orwell Press. MUENSTERBERGER Werner 1976 L?anthropologie Psychanalytique depuis ?Totem et Tabou?, Paris Payot. FREUD, Sigmund 1929 Malaise dans la Civilisation, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971. FREUD, Sigmund 1913 Totem et Tabou: interpretation par la psychanalyse de la vie sociale des peoples primitfs, Paris, Payot, 1924. :


  • WRONG, Dennis H. 1961 ?The oversocialized conception of man in modern sociology?, in American Sociological Review, vol 26, 3. TOEWS, John E. 1998 ?Having and Being: the evolution of Freud?s Oedipus theory as moral fable? in ROTH, Michael S. 1998 Freud, Conflict and Culture: essays on his life, work, and legacy, Nova York, Vintage Books. SPIRO, Melford 1979 ?Whatever happened to the Id?? in American Anthropologist, vol. 81, 1. SIMON, Bennett & BLASS, Rachel B. 1994 ?The development and vicissitudes of Freud?s ideas on the Oedipus complex? in NEU, Jerome 1994 The Cambridge Companion to Freud, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. SCHORSKE, Carl E. 1991 ?Freud; the psychoarcheology of civilizations? in NEU, Jerome 1994 The Cambridge Companion to Freud, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. SAPIR, Edward 1949 Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality, Edited by MANDELBAUM, David, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985. SACKS, OLIVER 2000 ?The Other Road: Freud as neurologist? in ROTH, Michael S. (Ed) Freud, Conflict and Culture: essays on his life, work, and legacy, New York, First Vintage Books, 2000. ROTH, Michael S. 1998 Freud, Conflict and Culture: essays on his life, work, and legacy, Nova York, Vintage Books. ROHEIM, Géza 1950 Psychanalyse et Antropologie, Paris, Gallimard, 1978. RIEFF, Philip 1959 Freud: the mind of the moralist, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 3ª edição 1979 RICOEUR, Paul 1965b O Conflito das Interpretações, Porto, Rés Editora., s.d. RICOEUR, Paul 1965a De L'interpretation, essai sur Freud, Paris, Seuil, 2ª edição, 1991. OBEYESEKERE, Gananath 1990 The work of culture: symbolic transformation in psychoanalysis and anthropology, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. NEU, Jerome (Ed.) 1991 The Cambridge Companion to Freud, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. MULLAHY, Patrick 1952 Édipo: mito e complexo, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Guanabara, 1986. MUENSTERBERGER Werner 1976 L?anthropologie Psychanalytique depuis ?Totem et Tabou?, Paris Payot. MERQUIOR, José G. 1980 ?A Superstição Psicanalítica? in MERQUIOR, J. G. 1981 As Idéias e as Formas, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Fronteira. MERQUIOR, José G. 1979 The Veil and the Mask: essays on culture and ideology, London, Routledge and Keegan Paul. MASSON, Jeffrey 1990 Final Analysis: the making and unmaking of a psychoanalyst, London, Fontana, 1992. MASSON, Jeffrey 1984 The Assault on Truth: Freud on child sexual abuse, London, Fontana, 1992. Malinowski, Bronislaw 1927 Sexo e Repressão na Sociedade Selvagem, Petropolis, Vozes. 1973 LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude 1949 Les Structures Élémentaires de la Parenté, Paris, Paul Pelliot. LAPLANCHE,Jean & PONTALIS J.-B. 1967 Vocabulaire de la Psychanalyse, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. KRAMER, Peter D.2006 Sigmund Freud - inventor of the Modern Mind, London, Harper Collins. JUILLERAT, Bernard 1991 Oedipe Chasseur: une mythologie du sujet en Nouvelle-Guinée, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. JONES, Ernest 1961 The Life and Works of Sigmund Freud, Londres, Penguim Books, Edited and abdridged by TRILLING, Lionel e MARCUS, Steven, 1961. JACOBS, Michael 1992 Sigmund Freud, Londres, Sage Publications. HELLER, Sahron 2005 Freud A to Z, New Jersey, John Willey and Sons. FREUD, Sigmund 1920 ?Au-dela du principe du plaisir? in FREUD, S. Essais de Psychanalyse, Paris, Payot, 1965. FREUD, Sigmund 1929 Malaise dans la Civilisation, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971. FREUD, Sigmund 1925 Autobiografía, Madrid, Alianza Editoral, sd. FREUD, Sigmund 1913 Totem et Tabou: interpretation par la psychanalyse de la vie sociale des peoples primitfs, Paris, Payot, 1924. FREUD, Sigmund 1900 The interpretation of Dreams, New York, Random House,1938. FORTES, Meyer 1959 Oedipus and Job in West African Religion, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ENRIQUEZ, Eugène 1983 De la Horde à l?État: essai de psychanalyse du lien sociale, Paris, Gallimard. New York, Columbia University Press. 1977 Symbolic Anthropology: a reader in the study of symbols and meanings, DOLGIN, Janet & KEMNITZER, David & SCHNEIDER, David M. (Eds) DODDS, E. R. 1951 The Greeks and the Irrational, Berkeley, University of California Press. HEALD, Suzette & DELUZ, Ariane 1994 Anthropology and psychoanalysis: an encounter through culture. London and New York, Routledge. EDELMAN, Gerald M. 2006 Second Nature: brain science and human knowledge, New Haven, Yale University Press. DEVEREUX, Georges 1967De l'angoisse à la méthode dans les sciences du comportement, Paris, Flammarion, 1980 DEVEREUX, Georges Ethnopsychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis and Anthropology as Complementary Frames of Reference, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1979 DADOUN, Roger 1982 Freud, Lisboa, D. Quixote, 1986. BROOKS, Peter & WOLOCH, Alex 2000 Whose Freud? - the place of psychoanalysis in contemporary culture, New Haven, Yale University Press. BOLLACK, Jean 1995 La Naissance d?Oedipe: traduction et commentaires d?oedipe roi, Paris, Éditions Gallimard. BLUM , Harold P. 1998 ?From Suggestion to Insight: from hypnosis to psychoanalysis? in ROTH, Michael S. 1998 Freud, Conflict and Culture: essays on his life, work, and legacy, Nova York, Vintage Books. BENVENISTE, Émile 1956 ?Observações sobre a função da linguagem na descoberta freudiana? in BENVENISTE, E. 1966 Problemas de Linguística Geral 1, Campinas, Pontes Editores, 1988. BASTIDE. Roger 1950 Sociologie et Psychanalyse, Paris, PUF, 1972. ANTISERI, Dario 1974 Analisis Epistemologico del Marxismo y del Psicoanalisis, Salamanca, Ed. Sigueme, 1978. :

Disciplinas de Execução

2010/2011 - 2º Semestre