
Protesto Político e Ação Coletiva 02456


Groupo: Ciência Política - 2018 > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas > Áreas Temáticas Ou Outras Uc > Outras Uc


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


No final, os alunos devem estar cientes dos conceitos fundamentais em todos os tópicos de confronto político, tanto em termos de teoria como de pesquisa empírica, de modo a serem capazes de estruturar um projeto de pesquisa em torno deles. Eles deverão poder decidir sobre os métodos e conceitos teóricos mais adequados para as suas questões de pesquisa. Os alunos devem ainda ser capazes de apresentar e discutir questões sobre estes assuntos.


Parte I – Conceitos básicos 1.1 Principais conceitos e teorias 1.2 Consequências do activismo em movimentos sociais 1.3 Movimentos sociais e o estado 1.4 Comunicação social e opinião pública 1.5 A dimensão global Parte II – Projectos de Pesquisa 2.1 Participação em Antigos e Novos Movimentos Sociais 2.2 Participação Política de Jovens 2.3 O Impacto dos Actores da Sociedade Civil 2.4 Ondas de Protesto 2.5 Enquadramento de Campanhas de Protesto 2.6 Discussão de projectos de pesquisa

Método de Avaliação

1. Participação nas aulas (mínimo necessário: 70% das aulas) 2. Uma apresentação oral de um texto em grupo – 30% da nota final; 3. Um pequeno projecto de pesquisa individual aplicando um dos métodos da pesquisa aprendidos e sobre uma questão de confronto político escolhida pelo aluno. O relatório de pesquisa sobre este projecto deve ter entre 3.000 e 4.000 palavras – 70% da nota final.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 129.0

Carga Total -



  • Meyer, D.S.and S.Tarrow.1998.“A Movement Society” .In: Meyer, D.S., and S.G.Tarrow.The social movement society.Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield: 1-28. Lima, M., and A.M.Artiles.2013.“Youth voice(s) in EU countries and social movements in southern Europe.” Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 19 (3): 345–64. Koopmans, R.2004.” Movements and media”.Theory and Society 33 (3-4): 367–91 Eggert, N., and M.Giugni.2012.“The Homogenization of “Old” and “New” Social Movements: A Comparison of Participants in May Day and Climate Change Demonstrations.” Mobilization 17 (3). Bennett, E.A.2012.“Global Social Movements in Global Governance”.Globalizations 9(6): 799-813. Balsiger, P.2010.“Making Political Consumers: The Tactical Action Repertoire of a Campaign for Clean Clothes.” Social Movement Studies 9 (3): 311–29. Amenta, E., N.Caren, E.Chiarello, and Y.Su.2010.“The Political Consequences of Social Movements”.Annual Review of Sociology 36: 287–307. :


  • Tilly, Charles and Sidney Tarrow. 2012. Contentious Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. Power in Movement. Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stekelenburg, J. van, S. Walgrave, B. Klandermans, and J. Verhulst. 2012. Contextualizing Contestation. Mobilization 17 (3): 249–62. Snow, David A., Sarah A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2007. The Blackwell companion to social movements. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. Snow, D. A., R. D. Benford, H. J. McCammon, L. Hewitt, and S. T. Fitzgerald. 2014. The Emergence, Development, and Future of the Framing Perspective. Mobilization 19 (1): 23–45. Olzak, S. 1989. Analysis of Events in the Study of Collective Action. Annual Review of Sociology 15: 119–41. Meyer, David S. and Sidney Tarrow. 1998. The social movement society: contentious politics for a new century. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Meyer, David S. 2004. “Protest and Political Opportunities.” Annual Review of Sociology 30: 125–45. McCarthy, Michael, and Felicity O'Dell. 2008. Academic vocabulary in use: 50 units of academic vocabulary reference and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. McCarthy, John D. 1997. “The Globalization of Social Movement Theory.” Pp.243-259 in Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics. Solidarity beyond the State, edited by J. Smith, C. Chatfield, and R. Pagnucco. Syracuse. McAdam, Doug, and David A. Snow, eds. 1997. Social movements: Readings on their emergence, mobilization, and dynamics. Los Angeles Calif. Roxbury Pub. McAdam, Douglas, John D. McCarthy, and Mayer N. Zald, eds. 1996. Comparative perspectives on social movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge studies in comparative politics. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. Koopmans, R. 1997. “The Dynamics of Protest Waves: West Germany 1965-1989.” In Social movements: Readings on their emergence, mobilization, and dynamics. Ed. by D. McAdam and D. A. Snow, 367–83. Los Angeles Calif. Roxbury Pub. Kolb, Felix. 2007. Protest and opportunities: The political outcomes of social movements. Frankfurt, Main: Campus. Klandermans, Bert, and Suzanne Staggenborg, eds. 2007. Methods of social movement research. Social movements, protest, and contention. Minneapolis, Minn. Univ. of Minnesota Press. Johnston, Hank. 2011. States and social movements. Cambridge: Polity Press. Giugni, Marco. 2010." The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe. Welfare States and Political Opportunities", Palgrave Macmillan. Ferree, Myra, William A. Gamson, Jürgen Gerhards, and Dieter Rucht. 2002. Shaping Abortion Discourse. Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Earl, Jennifer, Andrew W. Martin, John D. McCarthy, Sarah A. Soule, and Andrew Martin. 2004. “The Use of Newspaper Data in the Study of Collective Action.” American Review of Sociology 30 (1): 65–80. Crossley, Nick. 2002. Making sense of social movements. Buckingham: Open Univ. Press. Carol, S., and R. Koopmans. 2013. Dynamics of contestation over Islamic religious rights in Western Europe. Ethnicities 13 (2): 165–90. Boykoff, Jules. 2006. “Framing Dissent: Mass-Media Coverage of the Global Justice Movement.” New Political Science 28 (2): 201–28. Baumgarten, Britta and Peter Ullrich. 2012. “Discourse, Power and Governmentality: Social Movement Research with and beyond Foucault.” WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2012–401. Berlin. Baglioni, Simone, Britta Baumgarten, Didier Chabanet, and Christian Lahusen. 2008. “Transcending Marginalization: The Mobilization of the Unemployed in France, Germany, and Italy in a Comparative Perspective.” Mobilization 13 (3): 323–35. Baglioni, S. 2010. “The Role of Civil Society Actors in Contentious Politics of Unemployment.” In: The contentious politics of unemployment in Europe: Welfare states and political opportunities. Edited by M. Giugni, 127–51. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Amenta, Edwin. 2014. “How to Analyze the Influence of Movements.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 43 (1): 16–29. :

Disciplinas de Execução

2018/2019 - 2º Semestre