
Famílias e Migrações 00833


Groupo: Erasmus Mundus em Serviço Social com Famílias e Crianças > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


3.0 (para cálculo da média)


a) Compreensão dos processos de migração global e das suas dinâmicas. b) Identificação das problemáticas das famílias e das crianças em processo migratório. c) Compreensão das perspectivas culturais e dos comportamentos associados à mobilidade e situações de crianças em perigo. d) Conhecimento sobre quadros éticos e legais para a intervenção social sobre estas matérias.


1. Introdução ao estudo das migrações internacionais 1.1. Questões conceptuais e metodológicas 1.2. Constituição das migrações 1.3. Integração dos migrantes 1.4. Migrações contemporâneas 2. Migrações e família: teoria e casos empíricos 2.1. Motivações e tipos de migração familiar 2.2. Famílias transnacionais 2.3. Parentalidade transnacional 3. Políticas de migração familiar 3.1. Políticas para a gestão das migrações familiares 3.1.1. As políticas migratórias 3.1.2. Restrições nas migrações familiares 3.1.3. Políticas de reagrupamento familiar 3.2. Políticas para a integração dos imigrantes 3.2.1. As atuais políticas de integração 3.2.2. O índice de políticas de integração de migrantes 3.2.3. Políticas de integração dos imigrantes em Portugal 4. Migrações e crianças: teoria, casos empíricos e estatísticas 4.1. Crianças deixadas para trás 4.2. Crianças refugiadas que procuram asilo 4.3. Políticas para crianças desacompanhadas 5. Apresentações pelos alunos

Método de Avaliação

A avaliação desta UC terá por base uma apresentação seminarial a partir de um texto (30%) e um exame escrito (70%).

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 62.0

Carga Total -



  • King, Russel, et al (2010), The Atlas of Human Migration. Global Patterns of People on the Move, London, Earthscan. Goldin, Ian, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Balarajan (2011), Leaving home: migration decisions and processes, in Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Blarajan, Exceptional People. How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, Princeton, Princeton University Press: 97-120. Carling, Jørgen, Cecilia Menjivar, & Leah Schmaltzbauer (2012), Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38:2, 191-217. Bryceson D & Vuorela U. (2002), Transnational families in 21st century, in Bryceson and Vuorela U (eds.), The Transnational Family: New European Frontiers and Global Networks. Oxford, Berg publishers, 3-30. :


  • Zhu, Hong (2015), "Chinese immigrants' parental experiences in Norway". University of Stavanger. URL: Karki, Jayanti (2015), "Creating a Social Network Post Migration: A Study of Unaccompanied Minors and Youth in Sweden". University of Gothenburg. URL: Jones, Marshalee (2015), "Adoption and Conformity: Immigrant Parent's Feelings about Parenting in Norway". University of Stavanger. URL: Dangol, Abhas (2015), "Parenting among Nepalese Families in Lisbon and Its Effect on Child Integration." Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE. Bajracharya, Manika, (2015), "Nepalese Women Migrants in Portugal and Their Experience with Socio-Cultural Integration." Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE. Amankwa, Lilian (2015), "The Role of Child Protection Professionals in Enhancing Parenting among Parents in Gothenburg". University of Gothenburg. Alessandri, Greta (2015), "Evaluating the Implementation of Article 22 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Uganda - Nakivale Refugee Settlement: Duty Bearers' and Children's Voices." Makerere University. * Thesis of MFamily (2015) on migration issues United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2008), Through the eyes of a child: refugee children speak about violence. A report on participatory assessments carried out with refugee and returnee children in Southern Africa 2005 - 2007. UNHCR: 1-26. URL: Rossi, Andrea, Eva Jesperson and Rhea Saab (2005), Children, youth and migration. UNICEF: 1-43. URL: Newland, Kathleen (2014), What Is the Right Policy Toward Unaccompanied Children at U.S. Borders? Washington D. C., Migration Policy Institute. URL: International Organization for Migration (2011), Unaccompanied Children on the Move. The work of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Geneva, IOM. URL: D'Emilio, Anna et al (2007), The Impact of International Migration: Children left behind in selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), New York: 1-36. URL: * Other references United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Population Statistics. Web Database. Yamanaka, Keiko, and Nicola Piper. 2005. Feminized Migration in East and Southeast Asia: Policies, Actions and Empowerment.$FILE/OP11 web.pdf. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2015), World at War. UNHCR Global Trends, Forced Displacement in 2014. Geneva, UNHCR. URL: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Regional Office (UNHCR) (2014), Children on the run. Unaccompanied children LEAVING Central America and Mexico and the Need for international Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Regional Office for the United States and the Caribbean Washington, D.C.: 1-120. URL: Tereschenko, Antonia & Helena C. Araújo (2011), Ukrainian immigrant children's experiences of Portugal, Global Studies of Childhood, Vol 1-2. Strik, Tineke, Betty de Hart, Ellen Nissen (2013), Family Reunification: A barrier or facilitator of integration? A comparative study. HW Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers. Ryan, Louise (2010), Transnational relations: family migration among recent Polish migrants in London, International Migration, 49 (2), 80-103. Doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2010.00618.x Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2015), International Migration Outlook 2015, Paris, OECD. Lemaitre, Georges (2005), The Comparability of International Migration Statistics. Problems and Prospects, OCDE, Statistics Brief 9/2005. URL: Kohli, Ravi K. S. (2006), The sound of Silence: Listening to What Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children Say and Do Not Say. British Journal of Social Work 36 (707-721). Eadaoin Ni Chaoimh and Emilie WhiteKofman, Eleonore, Sue Lukes & Pauline Aaron (2008), Family Migration Policies in the United Kingdom: Actors, Practices and Concerns, Vienna, International Centre for Migration Policy and Development - ICMPD. Huddleston, Thomas, Jan Niessen, Eadaoin Ni Chaoimh and Emilie White (2011), Migrant Integration Policy Index. Brussels, British Council and Migration Policy Group Goldin, Ian, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Blarajan (2011), A Global Migration Agenda, in Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Blarajan, Exceptional People. How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, Princeton, Princeton University Press: 259-330. European Migration Network (2014), Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0. A tool for better comparability produced by the European Migration Network. Luxembourg, European Commission. URL: Collett, Elizabeth (2015), The Asylum Crisis in Europe: Designed Dysfunction, Migration Policy Institute Europe. Website. Brussels, Migration Policy Institute Europe. URL: Collett, Elizabeth and Milica Petrovic (2014), The future of immigrant integration in Europe: Mainstreaming approaches for inclusion. Brussels, Migration Policy Institute Europe. URL: Castles, Stephen, Hein de Haas and Mark J. Miller (2014), The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World (5th edition). Hampshire, Palgrave. [soon in ISCTE library] Bak, Maren and Kerstin von Brömssen (2010), Interrogating Childhood and Diaspora through the voices of children in Sweden, Childhood, 17 (1), 113-128. Bailey, Adrian and Paul Boyle (2004), Untying and retying family migration in the New Europe, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30:2, 229-241, DOI: 10.1080/1369183042000200678 Åkesson, Lisa (2009), Remittances and inequality in Cape Verde: the impact of changing family organization, Global Networks 9 (3) 381-398. ACP Observatory on Migration and International Organization for Migration (2012), Transnational families and the social and gender impact of mobility in ACP countries. URL: * Complementary references :

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