
Guerra e Paz em África 02237


Groupo: Estudos Africanos - 2018 > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas > Áreas Temáticas > Desafios e Programas de Desenvolvimento

Groupo: Estudos Africanos - 2018 > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Optativas > Áreas Temáticas > Globalização e Política Internacional


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Capacidade de analisar os fenómenos de Violência, Guerra e Conflitos em Africa. Entender as causas e consequências para as sociedades Africanas. Capacidade de produzir estudos de caso neste âmbito.


1) Sociedades agrárias africanas e o potencial de violência 1a) Ritos de passagem em sociedades linhageiras e a organização de guerras tradicionais 1b) O uso e controlo das forças armadas em sociedades acéfalas 1c) A manutenção da paz intra - e interetnica em sociedades agrárias 1d) Sociedades agrárias e movimentos políticos peri-modernas 2) Violência e género em África 3) Desintegração de sociedades agrárias 3a) Violência em sociedades de transição 3b) Ritos de passagem em organizações guerreiras peri-modernas 3c) Economia e violência em guerras civis 3d) Violência descontrolada e auto - organização 3e) Terror e massacres 3f) Genocídio popular 4) A dimensão internacional da violência 5) Cooperação para o desenvolvimento com sociedades traumatizadas 6) Media, percepções e comunicações de violência 7) Migrações 8) Campos 9) Campos como incubadores de violencia 10) Estudos de Casos

Método de Avaliação

Existem dois momentos de avaliação: Elaboração do trabalho em forma de ensaio (50%) e um teste (50%).

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 129.0

Carga Total -



  • Williams, Paul. 2016. War and Conflict in Africa. 2ª edição. Cambridge: Polity (parte I e II). Schellhaas, Constanze and Seegers, Annette (2009) 'Peacebuilding: Imperialism's new disguise?', African Security Review, 18: 2, 1 -- 15. Paris, Roland (2002) International peacebuilding and the 'mission civilisatrice' Review of international studies, 28, 637-656. Stewart, Pamela J.; Strathern, Andrew (2002) Violence. Theory and Ethnography. Continuum. London. ISBN 0 8264 6008 9. Scheper-Hughes, Nancy; Bourgois, Philippe (2004) Violence in War and Peace - an Anthology. Blackwell, Oxford. Heitmeyer, Wilhelm; Hogan, John (ed.) (2003) The International Handbook on Violence Research. Kluwer Academic Publ., Boston. Granjo, Paulo. Limpeza ritual e reintegração pós-guerra em Moçambique. Análise. Social. 2007, n.182, pp. 123-144. ISSN 0003-2573. Duffield, M. (1998) Post-Modern Conflict: Warlords, Post-Adjustments States and Private Protection. In: Civil Wars, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 65-102 :


  • ***** Bibliografias sobre tópicos específicos serão disponibilizadas oportunamente. Zurawski, Nils (2002): Girard among the Paramilitaries of Ulster: Identity, History and Violence. In: Anthropoetics (ed: Eric Gans) vol 8, no.1, ( Turton, David (ed). (1997) War and Ethnicity: Global Connections and Local Violence. University of Rochester Press New York, (Introduction), pp. 1-45. Sigrist, Christian (1980) Sistemas políticos acéfalos e libertação nacional. Lisboa, Economia e Socialismo, ano V, nº 50, Maio de 1980, p.43-58. Shaw, R. Paul; Wong, Yuwa (1989) Genetic Seeds of Warfare: Evolution, Nationalism and Patriotism. Unwin Hyman, New York. Isbn 0 04 4451875. Riehl, Volker (2003) The dynamics of peace. The role of traditional festivals of the Tallensi in Northern Ghana in creating sustainable peace. (ms.) Riehl, Volker (2001) Who is ruling in South Sudan? The Role of NGOs in rebuilding socio-political order. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Report No.9. Uppsala. ISSN 1400-3120. Riehl, Volker (1989) The Land is Ours: Research on the Land-Use System Among the Tallensi in Northern Ghana. In: Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 26-42. ( Rapoport, David C. (2002) The Four Waves of Rebel Terror and September 11. In: Anthropoetics (Hg.: Eric Gans) vol 8, no.1, 2002. Pain, D. (1997) The Bending of the Spear: Providing Consensus for Peace and Development in Northern Uganda. London: International Alert. Ogot, Bethwell A. (ed.) (1972) War and Society in Africa. F. Cass, London. McFarlane, G. (1986) Violence in Rural Northern Ireland: Social Scientific Models, Folk Explanations and Local Variation (?). In: Riches, D. (ed.): The Anthropology of Violence. Basil Blackwell, Oxford pp. 184-203. Keen, D. (2000) Incentives and Disincentives for Violence. In: Berdal, M./D. Malone (eds.): Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. Lynne Rienner Publishers: Boulder, Colorado and London, pp. 19-41. Kapferer, Bruce (1997) The Feast of the Sorcerer. Practices of Consciousness and Power. University of California Press, Chicago. Ignatieff, Michael (1998) The Warrior?s honor - ethnic war and the modern conscience. Metropolitan Books, New York.Jok, Madut Jok (2001) War and Slavery in Sudan. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. ISBN 0 8122 1762 4. Hammerton-Kelly, Robert G. et al. (1987) Violent Origins. Stanford University Press, Stanford. Girard, René (1977) Violence and the Sacred. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Galtung, Johan; Jacobsen, Carl G.; Brand-Jacobsen, Kai Frithjof (2002) Searching for Peace. The Road to Transcend. Pluto Press, London. ISBN 07453 1928 9. Feldman, Allen (1998): Retaliate and Punish: Political Violence as Form and Memory in Northern Ireland." Éire: Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies, Geimhreadh / Earrach / Samhradh 1997/1998 Volumes XXXII-XXXIII, S. 195-235. Feldman, Allen (1994) On cultural anathesia: from Desert Storm to Rodney King. In: American Ethnologist, vol. 21, no. 2 1994, S. 404-418. Feldman, Allen (1991) Formations of Violence: the narrative of the body and political terror in Northern Ireland. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Ehrenreich, Barbara (1997) Blood Rites. Origins and History of the Passions of War. Virago, London. ISBN 1 85381 806 2. and the Nature of War. Westview Press, Boulder Col. Edgerton, Robert b: (2000) Warrior Women: The Amazons of Dahomey Aijmer, Göran; Abbink; Jon (2000) ?Meanings of Violence.A Cross Cultural Perspective'. Oxford (Berg) 2000. In: Review of Ethnopolitics. vol. 2, no.1, September 2002. Supplement no. 1 of Sociologus, Berlin 1999. In: The Ethnic Conflict Research Digest, Nr. 1, Vol 4, 2001 Debiel, Tobias; Klein, Alex (2002) ?Fragile Peace, State Failure, Violence and Development in Crisis Regions'. ZED Books, London, New York. Davis, Diane E.; Pereira, Anthony W., (ed.) (2003) Irregular armed forces and their role in politics and state formation, Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge. Copet-Rougier, E. (1986) ?Le Mal Court?: Visible and Invisible Violence in an Acephalous Society ? Mkako of Cameroon. In: Riches, D. (ed.): The Anthropology of Violence. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 50-69 Collier, Paul (2009) Wars, Guns and Votes. Harper Collins, New York Collier, Paul ; Hoeffler, Anke (2001) Greed and Grievance in Civil War. (paper) Clastres, Pierre (1999) Archéologie de la violence : la guerre dans les sociétés primitive. La Tour D?Aigues, France. Clastres, Pierre (1974) La société contre l'Ètat : recherches d'anthropologie politique. Minuit, Paris. Castells, M. (1998) The Perverse Connection: the Global Criminal Economy. Vol.3 of ?The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Blackwells: Malden and Oxford Cabral, Amílcar (1977) A prática revolucionária. Unidade e Luta., Seara Nova, Lisboa. Bogner, A. (2000) The 1994 Civil War in Northern Ghana: the Genesis and Escalation of a ?Tribal? Conflict. In: Lentz, C. / P. Nugent (eds.): Ethnicity in Ghana: the Limits of Invention. St. Martin?s Press, New York, Macmillan Press, London pp. 183-203. Bloch, Maurice (1992) Prey into Hunter: the politics of religious experience. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Bloch, Maurice (1986) From Blessing to Violence. History and ideology in the circumcision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1986. Behrend, H. (1998) War in Northern Uganda: the Holy Spirit Movement of Alice Lakwena, Severino Lokoya and Joseph Kony (1986-1997. In Clapham, Christopher (ed.) (1998) African Guerrillas. James Currey, Oxford. pp. 107-118. Ayittey, G. (1999 [1998]) Africa in Chaos. St. Martins, New York. Apter, David E. (ed.) (1997) The Legitimization of Violence. New York University Press, New York. :

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