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Renegotiating Power and Identities?, Plural Masculinities: the remaking of the self in private life, Farnham (UK) & Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 157-164. Texto 21: CONNELL, Raewyn (Robert William) (1987), ?Part III: Femininity and Masculinity?, Gender & Power: society, the person and sexual politics, Cambridge: Polity, 167-237. Texto 20: BEASLEY, Chris (2005), ?Gender and Masculinity Studies: an Overview?, Gender & Sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers, London: Sage, 177-185. 4. Género, Masculinidade e Feminilidade Texto 19: BOZON, Michel (2002), ?L?ordre traditionnel de la procréation?, Sociologie de la Sexualité, Paris: Nathan, 9-19. Texto 18: WHARTON, Amy S. (2005), ?Work and Family as Gendered Institutions?, The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Oxford (UK): Blackwell, 81-112. Texto 17: CONNELL, Raewyn (Robert William) (1987), ?Gender Regimes and the Gender Order?, Gender & Power: society, the person and sexual politics, Cambridge: Polity, 119-164. 3. Género e Sociedade   Texto 16: BEASLEY, Chris (2005), ?Postmodern Feminism: Butler?, Gender & Sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers, London: Sage, 96-104. Texto 15: CONNELL, Raewyn (Robert William) (1987), ?The Body and Social Practice?, Gender & Power: society, the person and sexual politics, Cambridge: Polity, 66-88. Texto 14: BOURDIEU, Pierre (1998), ?Chapitre I: Une image grossie?, La domination masculine, Paris: Seuil, 11-59. Texto 13: BEASLEY, Chris (2005), ?Gender Difference Feminism: ?Women-Centred? Identity Politics to Sexual Difference ? Rich to Grosz?, Gender & Sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers, London: Sage, 45-59. Texto 12: BEASLEY, Chris (2005), ?Modernist Emancipatory Feminism: Liberal Feminism ? Wollstonecraft to Wolf?, Gender & Sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers, London: Sage, 28-35. Texto 11: BEASLEY, Chris (2005), ?Gender and Feminism: an Overview?, Gender & Sexuality: critical theories, critical thinkers, London: Sage, 11-27. Texto 10: LOVELL, Terry (2002), ?Teoria Social Feminista?, in Bryan S. Turner (ed.) (2002), Teoria Social, Lisboa: Difel, 313-346. Texto 9: CONNELL, Raewyn (Robert William) (1987), ?Current Frameworks?, Gender & Power: society, the person and sexual politics, Cambridge: Polity, 41-65. Texto 8: TORRES, Anália Cardosos (2001), ?Sociologia da Família e do Casamento: alguns debates centrais do século XX?, Sociologia do Casamento: a Família e a Questão Feminina, Oeiras: Celta, 34-59. Texto 7: TORRES, Anália Cardosos (2001), ?Sociologia da Família e do Casamento: alguns debates centrais do século XX?, Sociologia do Casamento: a Família e a Questão Feminina, Oeiras: Celta, 5-34. Texto 6: MARCASSA, Luciana (2006), ?Friedrich Engels. A origem da família, da propriedade privada e do Estado?, Revista de Educação, nº 9, 85-90. Texto 5: CONNELL, Raewyn (Robert William) (1987), ?Historical Roots of Contemporary Theory?, Gender & Power: society, the person and sexual politics, Cambridge: Polity, 23-40. 2. Teorias de Género Texto 4: ABOIM, Sofia (2009), ?From Dualism to Pluralism: The Power of Categories and the Making of Gender?, Plural Masculinities: the remaking of the self in private life, Farnham (UK) & Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 13-35. Texto 3: VASCONCELOS, Pedro (2004), ?Categorização, Identidade e Sexualidade: notas sobre a dominação?, in Ana Paula Marques et al. (coord.), Formas Identitárias e Modernidade Tardia, Braga: ICS-UM, 51-70. Texto 2: HÉRITIER, Françoise (1998), ?A valência diferencial dos sexos na base da sociedade??, Masculino/Feminino: O Pensamento da Diferença, Lisboa: Piaget, 15-28. Texto 1: WHARTON, Amy S. (2005), ?Introduction to the Sociology of Gender?, The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Oxford (UK): Blackwell, 1-11. 1. O Problema do Género Bibliografia de Trabalho :