Class 2
25 Janeiro 2022, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Preparing to conduct qualitative research. The research protocol. Informed consent. Confidentiality agreement. Collecting evidence. Types of evidence. Evaluating the quality of evidence. Principles to evaluate quality: keeping a chain of evidence; data and method triangulation; building a database. Analysing data according to Gioia et al.'s methodology. Miles and Huberman's recommendations three fluxes of analysis: data reduction; data diplay; conclusion drawing and verification. The first cycle coding and the second cycle coding. The ladder of abstraction. Theory development. Writing up the thesis and research papers. Discussion.
Class 1
24 Janeiro 2022, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Presentation: Syllabus and bibbliography. Main features of qualitative research. Comparison between qualitative research and quantitative research. Ontology, epistemology, the intellectual puzzle and the research questions. Types of intellectual puzzles. Explanatory vs. exploratory research. Disctinction between methodology and method. Theoretical generalization and the replication logic. Designing qualitative research.