
Class 6

9 Dezembro 2022, 14:00 Rita Sousa

Sources of evidence: documents, interviews, artifacts, observation, questionnaires, archival data, and participant-observation. Strenghts and weaknesses of each of them. Evaluating the quality of data. Types of interviews. Recommendations to conduct an interview. Informed consent, confidentiality and anonymous in interviews. Analysis of data. Miles and Huberman's three flows of activity in qualitative analysis. The Gioia methodology. First cycle coding and second cycle coding. The development of theory. Writing up the PhD thesis and the research papers.

Class 5

9 Dezembro 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

When to conduct case study research. Comparison between surveys, experiments, archival research, history and case study research. The pilot case study and main case study. Types of triangulation: data triangulation, methods triangulation, investigator triangulation and theoretical triangulation. Maitaining a case study database and a chain of evidence. Collecting evidence.

Class 4

6 Dezembro 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Conclusion of last class. Discussion of case 5 and main take aways. Main steps of case study research. Planning/ designing the case study. How to prepare to gather evidence. The research protocol.

Class 3

5 Dezembro 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Interpretativism versus Positivism. Theoretical or analytical generalization and statistical generalization. Take aways of case 3. Deductive mode of explanation in Positivism. Case study research. Types of case studies: teaching case studies versus case study research. Exploratory, explanatory and experimental case studies versus descritive and illustrative case studies.

Class 2

30 Novembro 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

The formulation of research questions and decisions on the methods and data sources to use. Discussion of case 2. Difference between method and methodology. Designing qualitative research, and tests to assess its quality: validity, generalizability and reliability. Concept of data trinagulation. Saturation and contradictory evidence when collecting data.