
Constitution of migration flows: processes and policies

26 Fevereiro 2024, 16:00 Joana Azevedo

Constitution of migration flows: processes and policies.

a.    Analytical dimensions: micro, meso and macro migratory dynamics

b.    Types of causality: reproduction and genesis of migration flows.

c.    Migratory policies: domains, objectives and instruments.

Migration: conceptual and methodological issues

19 Fevereiro 2024, 16:00 Joana Azevedo

a. The migration issue: myths and facts.
b. Migrations as a type of spatial mobility: definitions and typologies.
c. Indicators, sources and survey processes.

[01] Migrações: questões conceptuais e metodológicas

7 Fevereiro 2024, 20:30 Cláudia Pereira

Tópico                      [00] Apresentação e organização.

Sumário                   a.     O programa e a bibliografia.
b.     Os processos de ensino-aprendizagem e de avaliação.

Tópico                      [01] Migrações: questões conceptuais e metodológicas.

Sumário                   a.     A questão migratória: mitos e factos.
b.     Migrações como tipo de mobilidade espacial: definições e tipologias.
c.      Indicadores, fontes e processos de inquirição.

Referências             # Carling, Jørgen (2012), “Collecting, analysing and presenting migration histories”, em Carlos Vargas-Silva (org.) (2012), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 137-162.
# Czaika, Mathias, e Hein de Haas (2014), “The globalization of migration: has the world become more migratory?”, International Migration Review, 48 (2), pp. 283-323.
# Pires, Rui Pena (2003), Migrações e Integração: Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa, Oeiras, Celta: cap. 2.1 “As migrações como processo social”, pp. 57-64.
# Portes, Alejandro (1999), Migrações Internacionais: Origens, Tipos e Modos de Incorporação, Oeiras, Celta: “Introdução à edição portuguesa”, pp. 1-4.
# Skeldon, Ronald (2012), “Migration and its measurement: towards a more robust map of bilateral flows”, em Carlos Vargas-Silva (org.) (2012), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 229-248.
# [complementar] Koser, Khalid (2007), International Migration: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
# [complementar] UNECE (2011), Statistics on International Migration, Genebra, United Nations.

Web                         Migration Matters, “Migration 101 with Hein de Haas”
Migration Data Portal

[Aula leccionada por Rui Pena Pires]

Migrations: conceptual and methodological issues (introduction)

5 Fevereiro 2024, 16:00 Joana Azevedo

Presentation of the programme and assessment. Students presentation. Introduction to the course objetives.

a. The migration issue: myths and facts.
b. Migrations as a type of spatial mobility: definitions and typologies.
c. Indicators, sources and survey processes.


# Carling, Jørgen (2012), "Collecting, analysing and presenting migration histories", in Carlos Vargas-Silva (org.) (2012), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 137-162.
# Czaika, Mathias, and Hein de Haas (2014), "The globalization of migration: has the world become more migratory?", International Migration Review, 48 (2), pp. 283-323 .
# Pires, Rui Pena (2003), Migrações e Integração: Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa, Oeiras, Celta: ch. 2.1 "As migrações como processo social", pp. 57-64.
# Portes, Alejandro (1999), Migrações Internacionais: Origens, Tipos e Modos de Incorporação, Oeiras, Celta: "Introdução à edição portuguesa", pp. 1-4.
# Skeldon, Ronald (2012), "Migration and its measurement: towards a more robust map of bilateral flows", in Carlos Vargas-Silva (org.) (2012), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 229-248.
# Complementary] Koser, Khalid (2007), International Migration: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
# Complementary] UNECE (2011), Statistics on International Migration, Geneva, United Nations .