Integration of immigrants: processes and policies
8 Maio 2023, 16:00 • Rita Sousa
Integration of immigrants: processes and policies
a. Social integration: dynamics of assimilation and ethnicisation.
b. Systemic integration: nation-state and cultural pluralism.
c. Integration policies: domains, objectives and instruments.
Housing and Migrants.
The role of women in social movements for
housing right between stereotypes and social activism.
# Heisler, Barbara Schmitter (2008), "The sociology of immigration", in Caroline B. Brettell and James F. Hollifield (eds.) (2008),
Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines, 3rd ed.
# Kivisto, Peter, and Thomas Faist (2010),
Beyond a Border: The Causes and Consequences of Contemporary Immigration, Thousand Oaks (Cal.), Pine Forge Press: ch. 8 "Citizenship and the state in a globalizing world", pp. 225-256.
Pires, Rui Pena (2003),
Migrações e Integração: Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa, Oeiras, Celta: ch. 2.4 "A integração dos imigrantes", pp. 95-116.
Scholten, Peter, and lona van Breugel (eds.) (2018), "Introduction: Conceptualizing mainstreaming in integration governance", in Peter Scholten and lona van Breugel (2018),
Mainstreaming Integration Governance: New Trends in Migrant Integration Policies in Europe, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-22.
# [complementary] Elias, Norbert (1976, 1994), "Introduction: A theoretical essay on established and outsider relations", in Norbert Elias and John L. Scotson (1965, 1994),
The Established and the Outsiders : A Sociological Enquiry Into Community Problems, 2nd ed., London, Sage, pp. xv-lii.
# Sen, Amartya (2006),
Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny, New York, W. W. Norton & Company.
[10] Respostas políticas institucionais às migrações de refugiados
26 Abril 2023, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
a. Direitos humanos e refugiados.
b. Organizações internacionais e refugiados.
c. O acolhimento dos refugiados.
# Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Gil Loescher, Katy Long e Nando Sigona (orgs.) (2014),
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press:
cap. 16, Jane McAdam, "Human rights and forced migration", pp. 203-214;
cap. 17, Gil Loescher, "UNHCR and forced migration", pp. 215-227;
cap. 53, Roland Bank, "Forced migration in Europe", pp. 690-702.
# Pereira, Cláudia, Alexandre Carvalho e Alejandra Ortiz, "Políticas de acolhimento e integração de refugiados em Portugal: os casos de emergência humanitária do Afeganistão e da Ucrânia em 2021 e 2022", em Joana Azevedo, Raquel Freitas, Clara Carvalho e Catarina Granjo (orgs.),
A Investigação e o Ensino da Ação Humanitária em Países de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Instituto Camões.
# Sousa, Lúcio, e Paulo M. Costa (2018), "The development of the asylum law and refugee protection regimes in Portugal, 1975-2017",
Refuge, 34 (2), pp. 28-37.
# [complementar] Betts, Alexander, e Paul Collier (2017), Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee System, Londres, Penguin Allen Lane.
European Council on Refugees and Exiles
Conselho Português para os Refugiados
10.a O que explica a constituição do tema dos refugiados em questão internacional?
10.b O que distingue Portugal enquanto país de acolhimento de refugiados?
International migration to and from Portugal
24 Abril 2023, 16:00 • Rita Sousa
a. Portuguese Emigration pre-1974.
b. Immigration and immigrants in Portugal after 1974.
c. Portuguese emigration in the XXI century.
# Peixoto, João (2000), "A emigração", in Francisco Bethencourt and Kirti Chaudhuri (eds.) (2000),
História da Expansão Portuguesa, vol. 5: Último Império e Recentramento (1930-1998), Lisbon, Temas e Debates, pp. 152-181.
Pereira, Cláudia, and others (2021), "''If you don't migrate, you're a nobody': Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal",
Journal of Rural Studies, 88 (6), pp. 500-509.
Pires, Rui Pena (2003),
Migrações e Integração: Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa, Oeiras, Celta:
ch. 3, "Dinâmicas da imigração em Portugal (1960-2001)", pp. 119-188;
ch. 4, "A integração dos retornados, um caso de assimilação", pp. 189-252.
# Pires, Rui Pena, Cláudia Pereira, Joana Azevedo, Inês Vidigal and Carlota Moura Veiga (2020), 'A emigração portuguesa no século XXI',
Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 94, pp. 9-38.
# [atlas] Pires, Rui Pena, Fernando Luís Machado, João Peixoto and Maria João Vaz (2010), Portugal: Atlas of International Migration, Lisbon, Tinta-da-china.
# complementary] Machado, Fernando Luís Machado (2002),
Contrasts and Continuities: Migration, Ethnicity and Integration of Guineans in Portugal, Oeiras, Celta.
# [complementary] Peixoto, João, Isabel Tiago de Oliveira, Joana Azevedo, Pedro Candeias and Georges Lemaître (2016),
Regresso ao Futuro: A Nova Emigração e a Sociedade Portuguesa, Lisbon, Gradiva.
[09] Migrações de refugiados: fluxos, populações e a questão da integração
19 Abril 2023, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
a. Fluxos de refugiados na história recente.
b. Populações de refugiados no século XXI.
c. A questão da integração: fixação ou retorno?
# Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena, Gil Loescher, Katy Long e Nando Sigona (orgs.) (2014),
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press:
cap. 37, Katy Long, "Rethinking 'durable' solutions", pp. 475-487;
cap. 44, Gaim Kibreab, "Forced migration in in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa", pp. 571-584;
cap. 45, Sari Hanafi, "Forced migration in the Middle East and North Africa", pp. 585-598;
cap. 46, Alessandro Monsutti e Bayram Balci, "Forced migration in broader Central Asia", pp. 599-612.
# Fransen, Sonja, e Hein de Haas (2019),
The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration, Amsterdam, International Migration Institute, Working Papers, 156.
# [complementar] Gatrell, Peter (2013),
The Making of the Modern Refugee, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
9.a Porque são os países em desenvolvimento que suportam a maior parte dos custos dos movimentos de refugiados?
9.b Em que consiste a especificidade da questão da integração no caso dos refugiados (por comparação com a dos migrantes não forçados)?
Migration and development
17 Abril 2023, 16:00 • Rita Sousa
Migration and development
The relationship between development and migration.
b. Migration and development in countries of origin.
c. Migrations and development in countries of destination.
# de Haas, Hein (2019),
Paradoxes of Migration and Development, IMI Working Papers, 157, Amsterdam, International Migration Institute.
# Goldin, Ian, Geoffrey Cameron and Meera Blarajan (2011),
Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, Princeton, Princeton University Press:
Chap. 6, "The impacts of migration", pp. 162-210.
# Peixoto, João (2019), "Immigration and the development of destination countries",
Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social: Migraciones Internacionales, 140, pp. 109-127
# Pires, Rui Pena, and Ana Filipa Cândido (2019), "Emigration and development in the European periphery: the Portuguese case",
Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo,
Migraciones y Seguridad Social: Migraciones Internacionales
, 140, pp. 125-37.
# [complementary] Bastia, Tanja, and Ronald Skeldon (eds.)
Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development, London, Routledge.
International migration to and from Portugal (introduction)
Presentation from the Observatory of Emigration (OEm)
a. Portuguese Emigration pre-1974.
b. Immigration and immigrants in Portugal after 1974.
c. Portuguese emigration in the XXI century.