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Texto 11: Gunther, Richard, e Larry Diamond (2003), "Species of Political Parties. A New Typology", Party Politics, vol. 9, nº 2, pp. 167-199. Texto 10: Katz, Richard S., e Peter Mair (1995), "Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy", Party Politics, 1: 1, pp. 5-28. Texto 9: III - Partidos políticos e representação política Parte III André Freire & Ana Belchior (2013), ""Ideological Representation in Portugal: MPs-Electors Linkages in Terms of Left-Right Placement and Substantive Meaning", Journal of Legislative Studies, 19, No.1 (March 2013). Online version available in December 2012: Texto 8: Jean-Benoit Pilet, Andre Freire & Olivier Costa (2012), "Ballot structure, District Magnitude and Constituency-orientation of MPs in Proportional Representation and Majority Electoral Systems", in Symposium "Political representation in Belgium, France, and Portugal: MPs and their constituents in very different political systems" organizado por Olivier Costa, André Freire e Jean-Benoit Pilet para a Revista Representation - Journal of Representative Democracy, Volume 48 (4), pp. 359-372. Texto 7: Wessels, Bernhard (1999), 'System characteristics matter: empirical evidence from ten representation studies', in Miller, Warren et al. (eds.), Policy Representation in Western Democracies, Oxford e Nova Iorque, Oxford University Press, pp.137-161. Texto 6: Powell, G. Bingham Jr. (2000), Elections as Instruments of Democracy, New Haven e Londres: Yale University Press, (Capítulos 7 e 8 - pp. 159-200). Texto 5: II - Sistemas eleitorais e representação política Piattoni, Simona (2013), "Representation as delegation: a basis for EU democracy", Journal of European Public Policy, 20:2, 224-242. Texto 4: Dalton, Russell J. (1985), «Political parties and political representation. Party supporters and party elites in nine nations», in Comparative Political Studies, 18, nº3, pp. 267-299. Texto 3: Thomassen, J. and Andeweg, R. B. (2004), 'Beyond collective representation: Individual members of parliament and interest representation in the Netherlands', The Journal of Legislative Studies 10 (4): 47-69. Texto 2: Valen, H. e Narud, H. M. (2007), 'The conditional party mandate: A model for the study of mass and elite opinion patterns', European Journal of Political Research 46 (3): 293-318. Texto 1: I - Representação política: conceitos fundamentais, operacionalização e principais resultados Mandatory readings: Partes I e II :