

8 Maio 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Reuniões com alunos para preparação do trabalho final (Pedro Vasconcelos).

IV. The hegemony of market logic (Dave Elder-Vass)

5 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

IV. The hegemony of market logic (Dave Elder-Vass)

09. Neoliberalism and its forerunners

10. Critiques and alternatives

III. Materiality and the social (Dave Elder-Vass)

4 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

III. Materiality and the social (Dave Elder-Vass)

07. Actor-network theory

08. Materiality and the social world

II. Social constructionism (Dave Elder-Vass)

3 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

II. Social constructionism (Dave Elder-Vass)

05. Varieties of constructionism

06. Constructing gender and the subject

I. Structure and agency (Dave Elder-Vass)

2 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

I. Structure and agency (Dave Elder-Vass)

02. Methodological individualism and methodological collectivism

03. Critical realism and emergence

04. Bourdieu: habitus and capital