

  • Instead we will make use of publicly available lecture notes, which will be provided topic by topic. The main reasons for this choice are: students save time; lecture notes are better "tailored" to each topic than just following a textbook. Detailed information about the readings for each topic of the syllabus is found in the course's web site at: Here you can find not only the required reading list, but also slides, problem sets, solutions and many routines for Matlab (m-files). No textbook is explicitly adopted here. Those available are either focused on the typical undergraduate style (lots of intuition, little mathematical content), or on a typical postgraduate style with lots of mathematical and computational methods. One or another still try to fill in this gap, but they end up being extremely lengthy, not suitable for a 36 hours course like ours. :


  • Bennett T. McCallum (2004). International Monetary Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Max Gillman (2011). "Advanced Modern Macroeconomics: Analysis and Applications", Prentice Hall, London. Klaus Walde (2006) "Applied Intertemporal Optimization", unpublished manuscript, University of Würzburg. Peter B. Sørensen and Hans J. Whitta-Jacobsen (2005). Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics: Growth and Business Cycles, McGraw-Hill, New York. There are some books that may be of some use for this course, in one topic or another, and these are: :