
Critical thinking exercise

3 Novembro 2023, 10:00 Rita Guerra

Active learning activity:

- syllabus (critical analysis of content and structure)
- inclusive language guidelines

Group presentation-discussion

26 Outubro 2023, 15:30 Ana Filipa Albuquerque Madeira

Group presentation-discussion (1st round) 26 October 2023

PL 01

Group 1, 3, & 5 presents

Group 2 , 4 & other colleagues will read and discuss the following papers:

Group 1. Rivera Pichardo et al (2022). Internalization of inferiority and colonial system justification: The case of Puerto Rico
Group 3. Valentim & Heleno (2017) Luso-tropicalism as a social representation in Portuguese society: Variations and anchoring
Group 5. Martinovic, et al . (2021). To apologize or to compensate for colonial injustices?

Group presentation-discussion (1st round)

26 Outubro 2023, 13:00 Ana Filipa Albuquerque Madeira

Group presentation-discussion (1st round) 26 October 2023

PL 02

Group 6, 8 presents

Group 7, 10, 11 & other colleagues will read and discuss the following papers:

Group 6. Plant, & Peruche (2005). The consequences of race for police officers' responses to criminal suspects
Group 8. Petsko, et al . (2022). Through the looking glass: A lens-based account of intersectional stereotyping. 

Activation, Application, and Transmission of Stereotypes

19 Outubro 2023, 15:30 Ana Filipa Albuquerque Madeira

  1.  Activation, Application, and Transmission of Stereotypes

- stereotypes

- stereotype knowledge, activation and use 

Contemporary theories on racism and prejudice (cont) & Activation, Application, and Transmission of Stereotypes

19 Outubro 2023, 13:00 Ana Filipa Albuquerque Madeira

  1. Apresentação do Planeamento e Calendarização dos trabalhos de Grupo.
  2. Contemporary theories on racism and prejudice (cont)

- Aversive Racism

- Subtle & Blatant Prejudice

- Cultural and Biological Racism