Class 7
12 Novembro 2020, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- towards the development of social-psychological interventions - The PATH Model (Buunk & Van Vugt, 2008)
- Problem Definition and key aspects of the problem
- Analysis Finding explanations; Define the outcome variable
Class 6
4 Novembro 2020, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- discussion of the racist tags incidents at ISCTE and other schools
- model "social influences on the ethnic academic achievement gap" (continuation)
- the case of stereotype threat effect
- Steele and Aronson (1995)
- social economic status and stereotype threat in children
- information about the group assignment
Class 5
29 Outubro 2020, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- student presentations of intervention research articles
(1) Imagined contact as a prejudice-reduction intervention in schools: the underlying role of similarity and attitudes
(2) The effect of the implementation of the the "Paralympic School-day" program on the Attitudes of Primary School children towards the inclusion of children with disabilities in Physical
(3) From empathy to action: Can enhancing hostsociety children's empathy promote positive attitudes and prosocial behaviour toward refugees?
(4) Developing a More Inclusive Social Identity: An Elementary School Intervention
(5) Extended Contact through Story Reading in School: Reducing Children's Prejudice toward the Disabled
Class 4
23 Outubro 2020, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- predictors of academic achievement (Hattie's analysis) (continuation).
- ethnic academic achievement gap
- model "social influences on the ethnic academic achievement gap"
Class 3
15 Outubro 2020, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
- measuring social diversity
- presentation and discussion of different indexes of fractionalization
- Simpson index
- Gini-Simpson index
- analysis of ethnic and cultural diversity:
- Fearon's analysis
- Alisina's analysis
- Okedji's analysis - (composite) index of social diversity
- predictors of academic achievement (Hattie's analysis).