
Apresentações orais e populismo digital

15 Março 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Aula 5 - 15 /03/202 3

  • 1ª hora : 'Populismo digital' (a relação entre novas tecnologias e a afirmação dos populismos: principais questões e debates) , profesor convidado Livino Neto

Leituras sugeridas:

De Blasio, E. and M. Sorice . 2018. ' Populism between direct democracy and the technological myth ', Palgrave Communication 4(15): 1-11.

Gerbaudo , P. 2018. ' Social media and populism: an elective affinity? ', Media, Culture & Society 40(5): 745-753.

Govil , N. and A.K. Baishya . 2018. ' The Bully in the Pulpit: Autocracy, Digital Social Media, and Right-wing Populist Technoculture ', Communication Culture & Critique 11: 67-84.

Kriesi , Hanspeter and Takkis Papas. 2015. Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession , Colchester: ECPR Press (chap. 10-11 )

Schroeder , R. 2018. ' Digital media and the rise of right-wing populism ', in Social Theory after the Internet. Media, Technology, and Globalization . London: UCL Press, pp. 60-81 (full book available here: )

Waisbord , S. and A. Amado. 2017. ' Populist communication by digital means: presidential Twitter in Latin America ' , Information, Communication & Society 20(9): 1330-1346.

  • 2ª hora : Apresentações orais grupo 3 e grupo 4

Apresentações orais e populismo digital

15 Março 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

Aula 5 - 15 /03/202 3

  • 1ª hora : 'Populismo digital' (a relação entre novas tecnologias e a afirmação dos populismos: principais questões e debates) , profesor convidado Livino Neto

Leituras sugeridas:

De Blasio, E. and M. Sorice . 2018. ' Populism between direct democracy and the technological myth ', Palgrave Communication 4(15): 1-11.

Gerbaudo , P. 2018. ' Social media and populism: an elective affinity? ', Media, Culture & Society 40(5): 745-753.

Govil , N. and A.K. Baishya . 2018. ' The Bully in the Pulpit: Autocracy, Digital Social Media, and Right-wing Populist Technoculture ', Communication Culture & Critique 11: 67-84.

Kriesi , Hanspeter and Takkis Papas. 2015. Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession , Colchester: ECPR Press (chap. 10-11 )

Schroeder , R. 2018. ' Digital media and the rise of right-wing populism ', in Social Theory after the Internet. Media, Technology, and Globalization . London: UCL Press, pp. 60-81 (full book available here: )

Waisbord , S. and A. Amado. 2017. ' Populist communication by digital means: presidential Twitter in Latin America ' , Information, Communication & Society 20(9): 1330-1346.

  • 2ª hora : Apresentações orais grupo 3 e grupo 4

Ativismo digital e apresentações orais

8 Março 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

  • 1ª hora : ' Ativismo d igital ' (o que mudou com o digital, relação dos movimentos com os media, principais debates e desafios)

Leituras sugeridas :

Accornero , G. 2017. The 'Mediation' of the Portuguese Anti-Austerity Protest Cycle. Media Coverage and its Impact', in Media Representations of Anti-Austerity Protests in the EU: Grievances, Identities and Agency , ed. by Tao Papaioannou and Suman Gupta. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 165-188

Beissinger , M. '"Conventional" and "Virtual" Civil Societies in Autocratic Regimes', Comparative Politics 49(3): 351-371.

Cardoso, G. et al. 2017. 'Social Movements, participation and crisis in Europe', in Europe's crisis, ed. by Manuel Castells, Olivier Bouin , Joao Caraca , Gustavo Cardoso, John Thompson and Michel Wieviorka . Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 405-427

Dencik , L., A. Hintz, and Z. Carey. 2018. Prediction, pre-emption and limits to dissent: Social media and big data uses for policing protests in the United Kingdom', New Media & Society 20 (4): 1433-1450

Dolata, U. and J.F. Schrape . 2016. 'Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age', Social Movement Studies 15(1): 1-18

Earl, J. and Kimport , K. 2013. Digitally Enabled Social Change. Activism in the Internet Age. Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT, Intro and chapter 2.

Joyce, M. ed. 2010. Digital Activism Decoded. The New Mechanics of Change. NYC: International Debate Education Association.

Klein, A. 2015. 'Vigilante Media: Unveiling Anonymous and the Hacktivist Persona in the Global Press', Communication Monographs 82(3): 379-401.

McDonald, K. 2015. 'From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures', Information, Communication & Society 18(8): 968-928.

Owen, S. 2017. 'Monitoring social media and protest movements: ensuring political order through surveillance and surveillance discourse', Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 23(6): 688-700.

Poell , T. 2019. 'Social media, temporality, and the legitimacy of protest', Social Movement Studies , DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2019.1605287

Trmayne , M. 2014. 'Anatomy of Protest in the Digital Era: A Network Analysis of Twitter and Occupy Wall Street', Social Movement Studies 13(1): 110-126

  • 2ª hora : Apresentações orais grupo 1 e grupo 2

Ativismo digital e apresentações orais

8 Março 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

  • 1ª hora : ' Ativismo d igital ' (o que mudou com o digital, relação dos movimentos com os media, principais debates e desafios)

Leituras sugeridas :

Accornero , G. 2017. The 'Mediation' of the Portuguese Anti-Austerity Protest Cycle. Media Coverage and its Impact', in Media Representations of Anti-Austerity Protests in the EU: Grievances, Identities and Agency , ed. by Tao Papaioannou and Suman Gupta. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 165-188

Beissinger , M. '"Conventional" and "Virtual" Civil Societies in Autocratic Regimes', Comparative Politics 49(3): 351-371.

Cardoso, G. et al. 2017. 'Social Movements, participation and crisis in Europe', in Europe's crisis, ed. by Manuel Castells, Olivier Bouin , Joao Caraca , Gustavo Cardoso, John Thompson and Michel Wieviorka . Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 405-427

Dencik , L., A. Hintz, and Z. Carey. 2018. Prediction, pre-emption and limits to dissent: Social media and big data uses for policing protests in the United Kingdom', New Media & Society 20 (4): 1433-1450

Dolata, U. and J.F. Schrape . 2016. 'Masses, Crowds, Communities, Movements: Collective Action in the Internet Age', Social Movement Studies 15(1): 1-18

Earl, J. and Kimport , K. 2013. Digitally Enabled Social Change. Activism in the Internet Age. Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT, Intro and chapter 2.

Joyce, M. ed. 2010. Digital Activism Decoded. The New Mechanics of Change. NYC: International Debate Education Association.

Klein, A. 2015. 'Vigilante Media: Unveiling Anonymous and the Hacktivist Persona in the Global Press', Communication Monographs 82(3): 379-401.

McDonald, K. 2015. 'From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action and identity in digital cultures', Information, Communication & Society 18(8): 968-928.

Owen, S. 2017. 'Monitoring social media and protest movements: ensuring political order through surveillance and surveillance discourse', Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 23(6): 688-700.

Poell , T. 2019. 'Social media, temporality, and the legitimacy of protest', Social Movement Studies , DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2019.1605287

Trmayne , M. 2014. 'Anatomy of Protest in the Digital Era: A Network Analysis of Twitter and Occupy Wall Street', Social Movement Studies 13(1): 110-126

  • 2ª hora : Apresentações orais grupo 1 e grupo 2

Movimentos sociais

1 Março 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

  • 1ª hora : ' Movimentos Sociais ' (o que são, como se formam e porque, de que forma atuam)

  • 21h30-21h30: ' Movimentos Sociais ' (o seu estudo : principais métodos e fontes para o estudo da mobilização )

Leituras sugeridas :

Accornero Guya and Pedro Ramos Pinto. 2015. '"Mild Mannered"? Protest and Mobilisation in Portugal under Austerity, 2010-2013'. West European Politics 38 (3): 491-515.

Accornero, Guya, and O. Fillieule . 2016. 'So many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable', in Social Movement Studies in Europe. The State of the Art , ed. by Olivier Fillieule and Guya Accornero . Oxford/New York, Berghahn , pp. 1-18

Bosi , L. and L. Zamponi . 2015. 'Direct Social Actions And Economic Crises. The Relationship Between Forms Of Action And Socio-Economic Context In Italy', Partecipazione e Conflitto 8(2): 367-391.

Della Porta, D. and M. Diani. Social Movements. An Introduction. Hoboken: Wiley, pp. 93-121, pp. 164-191, pp. 194-218.

Fillieule , O. 2015. 'Demobilization and Disengagement in a Life Course Perspective', in The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements, Oxford, Oxford University Press: 277-288.

Gerbaudo , P. 2017. 'The indignant citizen: anti-austerity movements in southern Europe and the anti-oligarchic reclaiming of citizenship', Social Movement Studies 16(1): 36-50

Koopmans, R. 2007. 'Social Movements', in The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, edited by R. J. Dalton and H.D. Klingemann. Oxford: OUP.

Tarrow , S. 2011. Power in Movement. Social Movements and Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.1-29; pp. 196-2014.

Teocharis , Y., J. de Moor, and J.W. van Deth . 2019. ' Digitally Networked Participation and Lifestyle Politics as New Modes of Political Participation', Policy and Internet