
Media in 2030

8 Novembro 2023, 14:00 Miguel Crespo

Media prospectives for 2030 - part I

Media prospective to 2030

25 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Miguel Crespo

To make the diagnosis of the situation of the global media in the current economic and social context
To outline prospective scenarios of the evolution of the sector from four types of stakeholders:
"Telcos", Legacy Media, New Media and Journalistic Start-ups
To identify areas of:
transformation of journalistic practice
of organizational logic
of monetization strategies
of business models

From analog to digital

18 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Miguel Crespo

The 20th century desert

The 21st century rainforest

Media ecosystem 2

11 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Miguel Crespo

From newsmedia to the new media ecosystem - the 21st centuty revolution 

What is journalism

4 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Miguel Crespo

News media and journalism vs. media today