
Mestrado em Economia


1. Static games of complete information: normal form games; IESDS; Nash equilibrium in pure and mixed strategies; existence of Nash equilibrium 2. Applications of static games: Cournot model of duopoly; Bertrand model of duopoly; the problem of the commons 3. Dynamic games of complete and perfect information: backwards induction; Stackelberg model of duopoly; sequential bargaining 4. Dynamic games of complete but imperfect information: subgame perfection; finitely repeated games; infinitely repeated games and folk theorem; 5. Bayesian games: Bayesian Nash equilibrium; incentive compatibility; the revelation principle; mechanism design; auctions 6. Static bilateral contracts: screening; signaling; moral hazard; adverse selection 7. Dynamic games of incomplete information; PBE 8. Differential games; open and closed loop solutions