21/04/2021 - Aula: Qua (09:30-11:00) Lesson 10
21 Abril 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
21 Abril 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
- Homework correction: letter writing and punctuation/capital letters
- Passive voice review
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Banking: what can you do at the ATM, in online banking, and when must you go to the bank?
- Banking vocabulary
- Homework exercise:banking vocabulary
Lesson 10
21 Abril 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Correction of homework
Passive voice
Describing the recruitment process with the passive voice
Homework: Bitcoin digital currency
Lesson 9
20 Abril 2021, 14:30 • Rita Sousa
Correction homework: letters and prepositions of time
Job interviews
Emails and email language
Homework: spot the mistake
20 Abril 2021, 14:30 • Rita Sousa
- speaking warmer - news
- homework correction: letter writing and prepositions of time
- CVs - correction
- Interview - role play
- homework - follow up on email English and exercise in book