23/11/2023 - Aula: Qui (09:30-11:00) Lesson 14
23 Novembro 2023, 09:30 • Maria Filomena Barreto Morgado
- Business vocabulary
- Acronyms
- Past Tenses
- Numbers
Lesson 13
21 Novembro 2023, 14:30 • Narendra Banad
•Describing graphs and charts: follow up
•What’s happening in Europe at the moment – some news about the EU countries
•Reading comprehension
Lesson 13
21 Novembro 2023, 13:00 • Narendra Banad
graphs and charts: follow up
happening in Europe at the moment
– some news about the EU countries
Lesson 13
21 Novembro 2023, 11:00 • David Bracke
- reading comprehension (Portuguese GDP growth)
- preparation presentation 2