
Lesson 10

12 Maio 2021, 20:30 Rita Sousa

Week 10: In this lecture we took a visual approach to war and post-conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina to understand the causes, dynamics and current dilemmas tied to the armed conflict and its aftermath in this context.

Lesson 10

12 Maio 2021, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Week 10: In this lecture we took a visual approach to war and post-conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina to understand the causes, dynamics and current dilemmas tied to the armed conflict and its aftermath in this context.

Lesson 09

5 Maio 2021, 20:30 Rita Sousa

Week 9: In this lecture we discussed what is transitional justice, its history, mechanisms, key concepts, and dilemmas. We then examined the history of Colombia's internal armed conflict, the different actors and main humanitarian challenges and the effectiveness of Colombia's TJ and DDR approaches for building peace and promoting reconciliation.

Lesson 09

5 Maio 2021, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Week 9: In this lecture we discussed what is transitional justice, its history, mechanisms, key concepts, and dilemmas. We then examined the history of Colombia's internal armed conflict, the different actors and main humanitarian challenges and the effectiveness of Colombia's TJ and DDR approaches for building peace and promoting reconciliation.

Lesson 08

28 Abril 2021, 20:30 Rita Sousa

Week 8: In this lecture we developed the theme of peacebuilding through reconciliation, particularly the dynamics of political forgiveness, by looking at the case study of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.