
Doing fieldwork in the MENA countries

23 Maio 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

- Ethical principles and guidelines

- Main ethical challenges

- Ongoing "unresolved" questions

- Pragmatic strategies in the field

The EU and its role within and towards the MENA region

16 Maio 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

- European Neighbourhood Policy - ENP and the southern Mediterranean countries

- Between theory and practice

- Normative power and the EU in the MENA region

- The EU and Palestine/Israel

- The EU and Turkey

- Asymmetries and rhetorical tools

The "Arab Spring(s)" and Ongoing Challenges

9 Maio 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

- Social movements: meanings, factors and questions

- Problematising the Arab Spring(s)

- Workers and their struggles: Uprisings from the periphery

- Women as key-players in the Arab Spring(s)

- The Arab Spring(s) in Palestine and Israel

- Twelve years later: some reflections

A review of the new field of Palestine Studies, 1965-2023

2 Maio 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Keynote lecture by Prof. Ilan Pappé (University of Exeter)

Palestine and Israel

18 Abril 2023, 18:00 Rita Sousa

- preliminary overview and maps

- the Ottoman Empire

- the British Mandate

- 1947-48: Between the UN Partition Plan and the State of Israel/Palestinian Nakba

- the Palestinian refugee issue

- 1956 and 1967 wars

- Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)

- 1973 war and the role of Egypt

- the First Intifada

- the Oslo Accords

- the Second Intifada

- after 2000s

- other current major issues (one-two state solutions & the Mizrahi question)

- the current impasse