Additional literature will be individually assigned for exercises and examination (approx. 200p).
Winch, Peter (2007): The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy. London: Routledge.136 p.
Control in Psychological Research on the Internet” in Journal of Social Issues.Vol 58:1. 161-176. 16 p.
Nosek, Brian A/Banaji, Mahzarin R/Greenwald, Anthony G (2002):” E-Research: Ethics, Security, Design, and
354 p.
Kvale, Steinar (2008): Interviews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing. Los Angeles: Sage
33:3.351-362.12 p.
Herrera, C.D. (2003):“A Clash of Methodology and Ethics in. Journal of Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Vol
Sciences. Berkshire:Open University Press.
Greasley,Pete(2008):Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS:An Introduction for Health and Social
Gilbert,Nigel(2008):Researching Social Life.Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage.
Afifi,Abdelmonem/Clark,Virginia A/May,Susanne(2004):Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis.Chapman &