

  • Croteau & Hoynes (2005), "The Business of Media", Pine Forge; Cowhey & Aronson (2009), "Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets", The MIT Press; Bruns, Axel "Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production"; Schudson, Michael, "The sociology of News Production"; "A World of Connections", The Economist, Special Report on Telecoms, 2007; "Global Brands", Financial Times Special Report, abril 2007; "The 21 st-century organization", Mckinsey Quarterly, 2005, Number 3; Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2008-2012, PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Relatório e Contas, Media Capital, Impresa, RTP, Cofina, ZON, PT; Goodman, Fred "Warner Music, and an Industry in Crisis"; Kimmel, Daniel M. "The Dream Team: The Rise and Fall of DreamWorks" ; "The Fourth Network: How Fox broke the Rules and Reinvented Television"; Wol, Martin "Por qué funciona a Globalização", Dom Quixote; Krugman, Paul "The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008", W. W. Norton & Co Ltd; :


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