- Textos de Apoio a disponibilizar pela equipa docente
- Rodrigue, J. (2013), The Geography of Transport Systems, Routledge.
- Cunha, L. (2013), Economia e Política do Turismo, McGraw-Hill
- Anderson, W. P. (2012), Economic Geography; Routledge.
- Stabler, M., Papatheodorou, A. e Sinclair, M. (2010), Economics of Tourism, 2ª edição, Routledge
- Stutz, F. e Warf, B. (2011), The World Economy: Geography, Business, Development, 6ª Edição, Prentice Hall.
- Fujita, M., Krugman, P. e Venables, A. (2001), The Spatial Economy, MIT Press.
- Crouch, G. (2007), Modelling Destination Competitiveness, CRC for Sustainable Tourism.