

  • Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to Present, Londres, Sage. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill. Parker, John, e outros (2003), Social Theory. A Basic Tool Kit, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. :


  • Waters, Malcolm (1994), Modern Sociological Theory, Londres, Sage. Turner, Jonathan H. (2012), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. III: Mesodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. II: Microdynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. I: Macrodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer. Turner, Bryan S. (org.) (2000), The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, 2.ª ed., Oxford, Blackwell. Scott, John (2011), Conceptualising the Social World. Principles of Sociological Analysis, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Scott, John (1995), Sociological Theory. Contemporary Debates, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Comtemporary Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell. Ritzer, George (org.) (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Classical Social Theorists, Oxford, Blackwell. Giddens, Anthony, e Jonathan H. Turner (orgs.) (1987), Social Theory Today, Cambridge, Polity. Craig, Ian (1997), Classical Social Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Collins, Randall (1994), Four Sociological Traditions, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Baert, Patrick (1998), Social Theory in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge, Polity Press. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1987), Sociological Theory Since 1945, Londres, Hutchinson. * Bibliografia complementar Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), "Functional theorizing", em Jonathan H. Turner (2013), Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to Present, Londres, Sage, pp. 340-378. Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), "Exchange theorizing", em Jonathan H. Turner (2013), Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to Present, Londres, Sage, pp. 520-573. Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), "Dramaturgical theorizing", em Jonathan H. Turner (2013), Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to Present, Londres, Sage, pp. 645-679. Turner, Jonathan H. (2013), "Conflict theorizing", em Jonathan H. Turner (2013), Theoretical Sociology. 1830 to Present, Londres, Sage, pp. 470-519. Turner, Jonathan H. (2012), "The dynamics of organizations", em Jonathan H. Turner (2012), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. III: Mesodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer pp. 213-302. Turner, Jonathan H. (2012), "The dynamics of groups", em Jonathan H. Turner (2012), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. III: Mesodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer, pp. 171-212. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010b), "The micro-level realm of social reality", em Jonathan H. Turner (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. II, Microdynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer, pp. 1-28. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010a), "The dynamics of stratification systems", em Jonathan H. Turner (2010), Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. I, Macrodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer, pp. 153-214. Turner, Jonathan H. (2010a), "The dynamics of institutional domains", em Jonathan H. Turner (2010),Theoretical Principles of Sociology, vol. I, Macrodynamics, Nova Iorque, Springer, pp. 105-152. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "Micro-macro integration", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 483-507. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "Max Weber", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 108-152. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "Emile Durkheim", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 71-107. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "Agency-structure integration", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 508-537. * Bibliografia de trabalho para aprofundamento Turner, Jonathan H. (2003), "Sociological theory", em The Structure of Sociological Theory, 7.ª ed., Belmont (California), Wadsworth, pp. 1-20. Turner, Jonathan H. (1991), "Micro theorizing", em Jonathan H. Turner (1991), The Structure of Sociological Theory, 5.ª ed., Belmont, Cal., Wadsworth , pp. 592-606. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "A historical sketch of sociological theory: the later years", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 185-225. Ritzer, George, e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), "A historical sketch of sociological theory: the early years", em George Ritzer e Douglas J. Goodman (2003), Sociological Theory, 6.ª ed., Nova Iorque, McGraw-Hill, pp. 3-39. Pires, Rui Pena (2012), "O problema da ordem", Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 69, pp. 31-45. Parker, John, e outros (2003), "The concept of the individual", em John Parker e outros (2003), Social Theory. A Basic Tool Kit, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11-36. Parker, John, e outros (2003), "The concept of social structure", em John Parker e outros (2003), Social Theory. A Basic Tool Kit, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-174. López, José, e John Scott (2000), "Institutional structure", em José López e John Scott (2000), Social Structure, Buckingham, Open University, pp. 19-42. Harrington, Brooke, e Gary Alan Fine (2000), "Opening the "black box": small groups and twenty-first-century sociology", Social Psychology Quarterly, 63 (4), pp. 312-323. Clegg, Stewart R. (1990 [1998]), "As organizações e a modernização do mundo", em Stewart R. Clegg (1990, 1998), As Organizações Modernas, Oeiras, Celta, pp. 29-56. * Bibliografia de trabalho obrigatória :