
Session #8

16 Novembro 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Tourism, lifestyle and everyday life. Changes in the nature of consumption and its impact on tourism and culture. Overtourism.

Session #7

9 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Urban tourism (demand side). Motivations: business, conferences, recreation, culture, creativity, visiting relatives and friends (VFR).
The city as a tourist product (supply side). Transport and mobility: representations, practices and technology; The invention of the tourist resort: England, France, Portugal. The spectacle of modernity: visiting Paris, London, New York (1850-1950). The typical and the picturesque: Lisbon tourist city in the twentieth century. Urban tourism product:

Session #7

9 Novembro 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Urban tourism (demand side). Motivations: business, conferences, recreation, culture, creativity, visiting relatives and friends (VFR).
The city as a tourist product (supply side). Transport and mobility: representations, practices and technology; The invention of the tourist resort: England, France, Portugal. The spectacle of modernity: visiting Paris, London, New York (1850-1950). The typical and the picturesque: Lisbon tourist city in the twentieth century. Urban tourism product:

Session #6

2 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Field trip. Downtown Lisbon.

Session #6

2 Novembro 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Field trip. Downtown Lisbon.