
The forms of business enterprise holding corporate form: the Private Unlimited Liability Company (the Partnership Company)

27 Fevereiro 2025, 08:00 Carlos Neves Almeida

The forms of business enterprise holding corporate form: the commercial company: the Private Unlimited Liability Company (the Partnership Company): its main features in the light of the CCA. Relation to the concepts of private company vs public company according with the membership access criterion as well as of partnership company vs equity company.

The forms of business enterprise holding corporate form: the Private Unlimited Liability Company (the Partnership Company)

26 Fevereiro 2025, 08:00 Carlos Neves Almeida

The forms of business enterprise holding corporate form: the commercial company: the Private Unlimited Liability Company (the Partnership Company): its main features in the light of the CCA. Relation to the concepts of private company vs public company according with the membership access criterion as well as of partnership company vs equity company.

The forms of business enterprise

25 Fevereiro 2025, 08:00 Carlos Neves Almeida


1. The basic concepts

1.1. The separate legal entity

1.2. The distinction between private and public companies

1.3. The distinction between a partnership company and an equity company

1.4. The distinction between a commercial company and a non-commercial company or partnership (also known as "civil company")

The forms of business enterprise

24 Fevereiro 2025, 08:00 Carlos Neves Almeida


1. The basic concepts

1.1. The separate legal entity

1.2. The distinction between private and public companies

1.3. The distinction between a partnership company and an equity company

1.4. The distinction between a commercial company and a non-commercial company or partnership (also known as "civil company")

The legal nature of Company Law as Business Law and the primary legislative authority

13 Fevereiro 2025, 08:00 Carlos Neves Almeida

1. The definition of Company Law as a Business Law subject

1.1. The definition as to the formal respects

1.2. The definition as to the material respects: the subject and main contents

2. The legal nature of Company Law

2.1. The assignment as a branch of law within the Legal System: a private law branch. the distinction between private law and public law.

2.2. The subsidiary law

3. The primary legislative authority on Company Law