
Seminar on employment protection legislation

12 Fevereiro 2025, 11:00 Paulo Marques

Seminar on employment protection legislation. 

Article that was debated in class:

Marques, P., Branco, R. and Guimarães, R. (2024) ‘The politics of pro-outsider labour market reforms: A configurational study’. Comparative European Politics. Online version.

Employment protection legislation

12 Fevereiro 2025, 09:30 Paulo Marques

Employment protection legislation.

Seminário sobre salário mínimo

11 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 Paulo Marques

Seminário sobre salário mínimo.

Textos analisados:
Pereirinha, J.A. e Pereira, E. (2023) ‘Living wages in Portugal: In search of dignity in a polarized labour market’. Social Policy & Administration. 57(4): 481-496.
- Grimshaw, D., Bosch, G. e Rubery, J. (2014) ‘Minimum Wages and Collective Bargaining: What Types of Pay Bargaining Can Foster Positive Pay Equity Outcomes’British Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3): 470-498. 

Salário mínimo

11 Fevereiro 2025, 13:00 Paulo Marques

Salário mínimo

Seminar on the minimum wage

10 Fevereiro 2025, 11:00 Paulo Marques

Seminar on the minimum wage. 

Texts that were analysed: 

- Pereirinha, J.A. and Pereira, E. (2023) ‘Living wages in Portugal: In search of dignity in a polarized labour market’. Social Policy & Administration, 57(4): 481-496. 

- Schulten, T. and Muller, T. (2019) ‘What’s in a name? From minimum wages to living wages in Europe’. Transfer, 25(3): 267-284.

- Grimshaw, D., Bosch, G. e Rubery, J. (2014) ‘Minimum Wages and Collective Bargaining: What Types of Pay Bargaining Can Foster Positive Pay Equity Outcomes’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3): 470-498.