

  • Roncaglia, Alessandro (2005). The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Pressman, Steven (2006). Fifty Major Economics. London: Routledge Polanyi, Karl (1944) [1980]. A Grande Transformação: as origens da nossa época. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Campus Milonakis, Dimitris and Ben Fine (2009). From Political Economy to Economics: method, the social and the historical in the evolution of economic theory. London: Routledge Mill, John Stuart (1848). Principles of Political Economy, Augustus M. Kellet Hodgson, Geoffrey, Warren Samuels, Marc R. Tool (ed.) (1994). The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Hayek, Friedrich (1993). The Constitution of Liberty. Londres: Routledge Backhouse, Roger (2005). History of Economic Thought. Penguin Books :


  • Focused bibliography covering all the syllabus' topics consisting of primary and secondary sources. Cattani, A. D., J.-L. Laville. L. I. Gaiger, Pedro Hespanha (2009). Dicionário Internacional da Outra Economia. Coimbra: Almedina Asham, Ash (2009). The Social Economy, International Perspectives on Economic Solidarity. London and New York: Zed Books Smith, Adam (1776), [1980]. A Riqueza das Nações, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Sandmo, Agnar (2011). Economics Evolving: a history of economic thought. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press. Samuels, Warren J., Jeff E. Biddle e John B. Davis (ed.) (2003). A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. London: Blackwell :