

23 Novembro 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

3.1. Models for Binary Choices (cont.)

3.2. Models for Ordered Choices

3.3. Models for Multinomial Choices

Illustration 6: Health Care Expenses and Consultations


16 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Rita Sousa

Illustration 5: Modelling the Choice Between Two Brands


16 Novembro 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

2. Nonlinear Regression Analysis

2.1. Model Estimation

2.1.1. Maximum Likelihood

2.1.2. Quasi-Maximum Likelihood

2.2. Model Inference and Evaluation

2.3. Panel Data Models

3. Discrete Choice Models

3.1. Models for Binary Choices


2 Novembro 2022, 19:00 Rita Sousa

Illustration 3: Explaining Individual Wages (4-5)

1.2.2. Dynamic Models

Inconsistency of Estimators for Static Models

Instrumental Variable Estimators

Tests for Instruments Validity


2 Novembro 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

1.2.1. Static Models (cont.)

Estimators for the Random Effects Model

Estimators for the Fixed Effects Model

Cluster-Robust Inference

Hausman Test

Instrumental Variable Estimators

Cluster-Robust Inference

Hausman Test

Illustration 3: Explaining Individual Wages (1-3)