

26 Outubro 2021, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Modelling and simulation of shot noise and circuit noise in optical receivers. Simulation of IM-DD system in back-to-back with a given extinction ratio and optical power incident on the PIN photodetector. Optical amplifiers: Raman amplifiers, semiconductor optical amplifiers and Erbium doped fibre amplifiers. Modelling of optical amplifiers and generation of amplified spontaneous emission noise.


19 Outubro 2021, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Analytical derivation of linearized Mach-Zehnder modulator characteristic for the quadrature and minimum bias points. Introduction to external modulation of digital signals: analysis of the impact of linear and nonlinear conversion on the eye diagram through simulation. Photoreceivers. Modelling of PIN photodetectors and detected current. Photodetector datasheets analyses. Modelling and simulation of shot noise and circuit noise in optical receivers.


19 Outubro 2021, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Optical transmitters: lasers, external and direct modulation. Datasheet analysis. Mach-Zehnder modulators: input-output characteristic, bias point, extinction ratio and frequency limitation. MZM datasheets analyses.


12 Outubro 2021, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Data sequences: generation of pseudo random binary sequences and deBruijn sequences. Simulation of optical communication systems: main blocks. Optical transmitters: lasers, external and direct modulation. Introduction to Mach-Zehnder modulators.


12 Outubro 2021, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Eye diagram. Development of a simulator emulating the filtering of an NRZ signal by a Bessel and a Butterworth filter. Drawing of the eye diagram and information extracted from the eye diagram.
Low-pass equivalent representation of signals and systems. Data sequences: properties of pseudo random binary sequences and deBruijn sequences.