
Lesson nº5

29 Setembro 2020, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Development of a simulator emulating the filtering of an NRZ signal by a Bessel and a Butterworth filter. Drawing of the eye diagram and information extracted from the eye diagram. Amplitude and phase response of real filters.

12 students attended at room; 4 attended remotely.

Lesson nº4

22 Setembro 2020, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Eye diagram. Development of a simulator emulating the filtering of an NRZ signal by a Bessel and a Butterworth filter.

9 students attended at room; 7 attended remotely.

Lesson nº3

22 Setembro 2020, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Exercise: generation of digital signals by simulation. Introduction to linear time invariant systems. Filters and filtering. Butterwirth and Bessel filters. Fast Fourier transform and transfer function.

9 students attended at room; 7 attended remotely.

2ª aula

15 Setembro 2020, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Continuous vs discrete signal waveform representation. Time and frequency representation of digital signals. Generation of digital signals by simulation.

Aula da em modo presencial (11 alunos) e em modo online (5 alunos)

1ª aula

15 Setembro 2020, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Program. Bibliographic references. Evaluation methods. Simulation of communication systems: objectives, motivation and basic concepts. Time and frequency basis. Sampling theorem.

Aula da em modo presencial (11 alunos) e em modo online (5 alunos)