
Aula 4

24 Setembro 2020, 19:30 Rita Sousa

Continuation of the last lecture.

Aula 3

24 Setembro 2020, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Laboratory session to introduce the virtual machine (VM) that it will be used along the course. Using the previous VM: learn how to create an emulated host using the concept of Linux NameSpaces; learn how to add, configure and enable the network interfaces on each host.; learn how to create a network link connecting two interfaces; learn how to create a Linux bridge (or switch) that will be connecting the two hosts of the current topology; learn how to add to the switch the associated interfaces of the two network links previously created; and learn how to test the current emulated (or virtualized) topology.

Aula 2

17 Setembro 2020, 19:30 Rita Sousa

Continuation and conclusion of previous theoretical class.

PC Configuration to run Virtual Machine

Aula 1

17 Setembro 2020, 18:00 Rita Sousa

Class introduction. Learning goals. Syllabus. Planning. Evaluation. Bibliography.

SDN contextualization. Legacy vs. SDN-based network. Three main features of SDN. SDN advantages and potential disadvantages. Network softwarization and its benefits for several network players. Starting with network virtualization and building a network topology via Linux shell commands. Introduction to the concepts of Linux NameSpaces, Linux Bridges, and network links.