
Aula 5 (8 de Abril)

8 Abril 2024, 18:00 José Santana Pereira

Aula 5: Média e Opinião Pública II. Apresentações.


SCHEUFELE, D. A. (2000). Agenda setting, priming and framing revisited: Another look at cognitive effects of political communication. Mass Communication and Society, 3 (2&3), 297-316.

SCHEUFELE, D. A., and TEWKSBURY, D. (2007). Framing, agenda setting, and priming: The evolution of three media effects models. Journal of Communication, 57, 9-20.


IYENGAR, S., & SIMON, A. (1993). News Coverage of the Gulf Crisis and Public Opinion: A Study of Agenda-Setting, Priming, and Framing. Communication Research, 20(3), 365-383.

MOY, P., XENOS, M. A., & HESS, V. K. (2006), Priming Effects of Late-Night Comedy. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(2), 198-210.

Aula 4 (18 de Março)

18 Março 2024, 18:00 José Santana Pereira

Aula 4: Media e opinião pública I. Apresentação.


BARTELS, L. M. (1993), Messages Received: The Political Impact of Media Exposure, American Political Science Review, 87(2), 267-285.


DE VREESE, C., and BOOMGAARDEN, H. (2006). Media Effects on Public Opinion about the Enlargement of the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(2), 419-436.

Aula 3 (11 de Março)

11 Março 2024, 18:00 José Santana Pereira

Aula 3: Fatores psicossociológicos da opinião pública. Apresentações.

GLYNN, Carol; HERBST, Susan; LINDEMAN, Mark; O'KEEFE, Garrett, e SHAPIRO, Robert (2016), Public Opinion, 3 ed., Oxford: Westview Press (Capítulos 6 e 7).


HOPPMAN, D. (2012). The consequences of political disagreement in interpersonal communication: New insights from a comparative perspective. European Journal of Political Research, 51(2), 265-287.

SCHEUFELE, D., and MOY, P. (2000). Twenty-five years of the spiral of silence: A conceptual review and empirical outlook. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 12(1), 3-28.

Aula 2 (4 de Março)

4 Março 2024, 18:00 José Santana Pereira

Aula 2: Bases psicológicas da opinião pública


GLYNN, Carol; HERBST, Susan; LINDEMAN, Mark; O'KEEFE, Garrett, e SHAPIRO, Robert (2016), Public Opinion, 3 ed., Oxford: Westview Press (Capítulos 5 e 6).

Aula 1 (26 de Fevereiro)

26 Fevereiro 2024, 18:00 José Santana Pereira

Aula 1: Apresentação da UC. Conceito e teorias da opinião pública


HERBST, Susan (2012), "The history and meaning of public opinion", in Adam J. Berinsky (ed.), New Directions in Public Opinion, Nova Iorque e Londres: Routledge, pp.19-31.

GLYNN, Carol; HERBST, Susan; LINDEMAN, Mark; O'KEEFE, Garrett, e SHAPIRO, Robert (2016), Public Opinion, 3 ed., Oxford: Westview Press (Capítulo 1).