
Session 16: Laboratory 2

14 Dezembro 2023, 13:00 Ana Cristina Costa

Session 16: Laboratory 2 (conclusion)

Session 15: Laboratory 2

12 Dezembro 2023, 13:00 Ana Cristina Costa

Session 15: Laboratory 2 

Session 14: Laboratory 2

7 Dezembro 2023, 13:00 Ana Cristina Costa

Session 14: Laboratory 2

Session 13: Modern forms of capitalism and the limits of its governability: Keynes, Kalecki, Minsky and Hayek

5 Dezembro 2023, 13:00 Ana Cristina Costa

Session 13: Modern forms of capitalism and the limits of its governability: Keynes, Kalecki, Minsky and Hayek

Required Readings for both lectures:

Hayek, F.A. (1950), “Full Employment, Planning and Inflation”. In: ibid., 1967: Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press: 270–279. 

Keynes, J. Maynard (1967), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London: MacMillan, [Chapter 24].

Minsky, Hyman P. (1992), “The Financial Instability Hypothesis”, Levy Economics Institute Working Paper no. 74. 

Session 12: Modern forms of capitalism and the limits of its governability: Keynes, Kalecki, Minsky and Hayek

16 Novembro 2023, 13:00 Ana Cristina Costa

Session 12: Modern forms of capitalism and the limits of its governability: Keynes, Kalecki, Minsky and Hayek

Required Readings for both lectures:

Hayek, F.A. (1950), “Full Employment, Planning and Inflation”. In: ibid., 1967: Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press: 270–279. 

Keynes, J. Maynard (1967), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London: MacMillan, [Chapter 24].

Minsky, Hyman P. (1992), “The Financial Instability Hypothesis”, Levy Economics Institute Working Paper no. 74.