

13 Maio 2021, 11:00 Rita Sousa

Solving Problem 4.25. Simulation of "Binary Communication System" considered in the team work using Matlab. Quizzes "Ruído térmico I", "DEP I", "Interpretação da função de autocorrelação I".


13 Maio 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Quiz "DEP I". Solving Problems 4.39 and 4.40.


12 Maio 2021, 11:00 Rita Sousa

Solving Problem 4.25. Simulation of "Binary Communication System" considered in the team work using Matlab. Quizzes "Ruído térmico I", "DEP I", "Interpretação da função de autocorrelação I".


12 Maio 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Quiz "DEP I". Solving Problems 4.39 and 4.40.


11 Maio 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Signal transmission with noise: baseband signal transmission with noise and additive noise and signal-to-noise ratios. Analog transmission: model of received signal with noise, total output power, signal-to-noise ratio, additive white gaussian noise, structure of the receiver of analog signal transmission, required signal-to-noise ratio at destination. Quiz "Filtragem de sinais aleatórios II".