

  • PF Lopes, D Jardim, I Alexandre, Math4Kids, Proc. First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Me L MIGNONNEAU, C SOMMERER, Designing emotional, metaphoric, natural and intuitive interfaces for interactive art, edutainment and mobile communications, Computers & Graphics 29 (2005) 837-851 C Myhill, Get Your Product Used in Anger! (Before Assuming You Understand its Requirements), interactions, may+june 2003 PF Lopes, Computer Aided Design, creating 3D with Solid Edge (6 modules), Tutorial modules, video for e-learning/b-learning, ISCTE-IUL, 2006 M Retting, Prototyping for Tiny Fingers, Communications of the ACM, April 1994, Vol.37, No.4, pp 21-27 C Lewis, J Rieman, TASK-CENTERED USER INTERFACE DESIGN, A Practical Introduction, shareware, 1994. A Dix, J Finlay, G Abowd, R Beale, "Human-Computer Interaction", 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-046109-1, 2004 Pedro Faria Lopes, Material Teórico-Prático de leccionação de IID ? Imagem e Interacção Digitais, ISCTE-IUL, ano de publicação :


  • PF. Lopes, J. Reis, F. Santos, S. Eloy, A. Paio, V. Rato, at all, Shaping emergent cities for all, SIGraDi 2011, XV Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Grafica Digital, 16-18 de Novembro 2011, Santa Fé, Argentina, pp. 106-108. ISBN: 978-987-657-679-6 Jenny Preece, Ivonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-49278-7, 2002 :