
What we (don't) know about perinatal mental health: mothers, fathers and infants

31 Maio 2024, 14:00 Lígia Monteiro

the Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues - has been cancelled by Prof.  Bárbara Figueiredo.

Child participation in early childhood education: Bridging rights and empirical evidence

27 Maio 2024, 14:00 Nadine Correia

Discussing (a) child participation as a right, (b) reasons to promote it in early childhood education (ECE) context, (c) newly developed measures to assess child participation in ECE, (d) existing research in the field, and (e) implications for research, practice and policymaking.


15 Maio 2024, 10:00 Lígia Monteiro

Esclarecimento de dúvidas relativamente à avaliação da UC.

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The hidden psychology of our musical lives

7 Dezembro 2023, 08:00 Lígia Monteiro

What is the psychology of music? And why study it? Over two lectures, I hope to give you some answers to these questions. In the first lecture, I will introduce you to some of the big ideas in music psychology and explain why it is important to study. This will include topics on music and the brain, music and health, and perceptions of music across cultures. In the second lecture, I will go into more detail and tell you about some of my own research into how music perception is shaped by culture, and how our musical instincts emerge when we interact with babies. Along the way, you will also get the chance to measure your own musical abilities and test your intuitions about unfamiliar music from foreign cultures.

The hidden psychology of our musical lives - Prof. Courtney B. Hilton

6 Dezembro 2023, 08:00 Lígia Monteiro

Prof. Courtney B. Hilton

The hidden psychology of our musical lives

What is the psychology of musicAnd whystudy itOver two lectures, I hope to giveyou some answers to these questions. In thefirst lecture, I will introduce you to some ofthe big ideas in music psychology andexplain why it is important to studyThis willinclude topics on music and the brainmusicand healthand perceptions of music acrosscultures. In the second lecture, I will go intomore detail and tell you about some of myown research into how music perception isshaped by cultureand how our musical instincts emerge when we interact withbabies. Along the wayyou will also get thechance to measure your own musical abilitiesand test your intuitions about unfamiliarmusic from foreign cultures.