

  • 1. CROTTY Ray, The Impact of Building Information Modelling. 2. JERNIGAN Finith, BIG BIM Little BIM. 3. HOLZER Dominik, The BIM Manager’s Handbook. 4. DEPLAZES Andrea; Constructing architecture. 5. ENGEL Heino, Sistemas estruturais. 6. CHING Francis, Building Structures Illustrated. 7. CHING Francis, Building Construction Illustrated. 8. MASCARENHAS Jorge, Sistemas de construção. Vols. 3 e 16.:


  • 1. ALLEN Joseoh, Fundamentals of building construction. 2. ALLEN Edward, Architectural Detailing. 3. ANDERSSON Lennart, Virtual Design & Construction using BIM. 4. AUCH-SCHWELK, Construction Materials Manual. 5. DEUTSCH Randy, BIM and Integrated Design. 6. HABERMANN Schulitz, Building with Steel. 7. HABERMANN Schulitz, Steel Construction Manual. 8. HARDIN, BIM and construction management. 9. HERZOG Thomas, Wood Construction Manual. 10. HERZOG Thomas, Facade Construction Manual. 11. KALENBACH Frank, Materiales traslúcidos. 12. KENSEK Karen, Building Information Modeling. 13. KLASCHKA Robert, BIM in small practices. 14. PECK Martin, Modern Concrete Construction. 15. PITTARD Steve, BIM and quantity surveying. 16. RAMCKE Pfeifer, Masonery Construction Manual. 17. SAKCS Rafael, BIM Handbook. 18. SAXON Richard, BIM in construction clients. 19. SCHITTICH Christian, Glass construction Manual. 20. SCHUNCK, Flat Roof Construction Manual. 21. SCHUNCK, Roof Construction Manual. 22. TICHELMANN Karsten, Dry Construction. 23. VITTONE René, Batir – Manuel de la construction. 24. WATTS Andrew, Modern Construction Handbook.: