
Literature Review

5 Dezembro 2023, 09:30 Paula Vicente

Literature review (Cont)
Practical cases with articles.  
Using IA/ChatGPT to help (or not?)  develop/writing critical arguments

Tools to Literature Reviews

26 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Henrique Manuel Duarte

Literature Reviews

Systematic Reviews 

Tools to support Literature Reviews

26 Outubro 2023, 14:00 Henrique Manuel Duarte


Literature review in PHd dissertation - part I

26 Outubro 2023, 09:30 Álvaro Augusto da Rosa

Why do we need literature review?Using literature review to support the research problem

Literature review

26 Outubro 2023, 09:30 Paula Vicente

Why do we need literature review?

Using literature review to support the research problem.