

30 Novembro 2022, 14:00 Rita Sousa

Leadership and its relevance for work teams and organizations.

Main leadership approaches and its influence to develop effective and adaptive teams in organizational context.

P1. Different perspectives on leadership: approaches centered on leader and on the leader - follower interactions.


19 Setembro 2022, 12:00 Rita Sousa

Group work: 4 to 5 Members
+ Magazine format document (7.500 characters (word + pdf) + References)
+ (OPCIONAL) Video (3 min max). Please submit the video in horizontal format.
+ Presentation of Video and Magazine document topic in class (15 min max)

Theme: "Difficulty/Problem related to leadership and/or team management", its theoretical analysis and solution proposal.

Self-evaluation + Evaluation of other groups work.


12 Setembro 2022, 12:00 Rita Sousa

P2. The key components and processes of team effectiveness
P3. Team leadership
P4. Enhancing team learning and adaptation



5 Setembro 2022, 12:00 Rita Sousa

Leadership and its relevance for work teams and organizations.

Main leadership approaches and its influence to develop effective and adaptive teams in organizational context.

P1. Different perspectives on leadership: approaches centered on leader and on the leader - follower interactions.

p.s. Sala indicativa. Aula efetuada online, como combinado previamente, em instalações exteriores ao INDEG.