
Class 5 (out of 5)

13 Fevereiro 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Mediation and moderation effects in structural equation models - an overview and applications using the R package lavaan. An introduction to latent growth curve models using the R package lavaan.

Class 4 (out of 5)

12 Fevereiro 2021, 14:00 Rita Sousa

From linear regression to path analysis and to structural equation models without latent variables using the R package lavaan. Estimating and testing a global SEM in lavaan.


12 Fevereiro 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Estimation and interpretation of a confirmatory factor analysis model using the R package lavaan. Second order confirmatory factor analysis models in lavaan. Reliabilities and measures of goodness of fit


8 Fevereiro 2021, 14:00 Rita Sousa

From Exploratory Factor Analysis to Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Using R and RStudio to perform principal components analysis and exploratory factor analysis.


8 Fevereiro 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling: key concepts, references, software and examples.