
Invited speaker: Annelien Groeten

5 Novembro 2024, 14:00 Miguel Vale de Almeida

overview of politics and aid in Gaza, before 07 Oct through focus on fisherfolk and they're engagement with aid. This was followed by overview of current situation with up to date data and the link between politics and aid: politicisation of aid  
References; Feldman ( politics of living) and Ofir  ( suspended catastrophisation)

Case Study Gaza / Estudo de Caso: Faixa de Gaza

29 Outubro 2024, 18:00 Annelien Groten

Visão geral de Gaza como um espaço humanitário ao longo do tempo: catastrofização, capacidades lideradas localmente, ajuda como política e outros aspetos que foram discutidos nas semanas anteriores reuniram-se neste estudo de caso

Discussão sobre a tese de Annelien Groten: ajuda, capacitação e resistência entre os pescadores em Gaza

Overview of Gaza as a humanitarian space through time: catastrophisation, locally led capacities, aid as politics and other aspects that have been discussed in the previous weeks have come together in this case study

Discussion on Annelien Groten thesis: aid, empowerment and resistance amongst Fisherfolk in Gaza

Crisis communication scenarios: people and technology in disaster preparedness

29 Outubro 2024, 14:00 Miguel Vale de Almeida

Lecturers: Ole Edward Wattne (here) and Brita Fladvad Nielsen (here)

Combining methods from service design, interaction design, human centred design and scenario building, Nielsen and Wattne will guide the students through an interactive class to understand how designers think and do in action. Based on each students background we will create scenarios and interventions for how to better survive an immediate crisis. The students will learn to build personas, in which a persons characteristics including age, gender, personal and professional experiences, disabilities etc. will be described and taken as a starting point. Secondly they will learn to analyse how the technological possibilities in a smart phone can be of use in a crisis. Third, they will learn to describe through empathy mapping what an individual might think, see, hear and do in a given situation with the purpose of defining a solution space for an intervention.

Poder e Politica na AH

22 Outubro 2024, 18:00 Annelien Groten

Forneceu uma visão geral das dinâmicas e relações de poder e do efeito na ação humanitária:
distribuição desigual dos recursos financeiros
Top-down vs Bottom-up
Factores políticos e politização da ajuda
Trabalho em curso: reforçar a resposta humanitária liderada localmente (Grand Bargain vs Charter4Change)

Dehistoricization and depoliticization

22 Outubro 2024, 14:00 Miguel Vale de Almeida

Dehistoricization and depoliticization of the refygee experience. The Hutu and Tutsi case in Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Zaire.