

  • Borthwick, D. (2009) The sustainable male: masculine ecology in the poetry of John Burnside. In: Ellis, H. and Meyer, J. (eds.) Masculinity and the Other: Historical Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 63-85. ISBN 9781443801515 Borthwick, D. (2011) 'The tilt from one parish / into another': Estrangement, Continuity and Connection in the Poetry of John Burnside, Kathleen Jamie and Robin Robertson. Scottish Literary Review, 3(2), pp. 133-148. Borthwick, D. (2011) 'To comfort me with nothing': John Burnside's dissident poetics. Agenda, 44/45(4/1), pp. 91-101. Borthwick, D. (2011) "A green thought in a green shade": contemporary environmental poetry. Southlight, 9, pp. 15-17. Borthwick, D. (2012) 'Driven by loneliness and silence': John Burnside's susceptible solitaries. Bottle Imp, 12, Borthwick, D. (2015) On walks on various ways: some field notes. Bottle Imp(17),:


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