
Applied case of EVA method

31 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Applied case of EVA method

EVA method

24 Março 2023, 17:30 Rita Sousa

EVA method: the concept of Market Value Added and its impact in the EQV.

Multiples methodology

24 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Multiples methodology: the role of the benchmark and the management of the outliers.

Valuation of a transaction: an applied case

17 Março 2023, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Valuation of a transaction: an applied case.

Valuation of a transaction

17 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Valuation of a transaction: the perspective of the buyer and of the seller. The role of synergies and the control ppremium.